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Jay Fridays
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  • Thanks John,
    Ya, I am schooling it pretty hard over here...lol
    I have a degree in Guitar performance as well...
    Surfing New Mexico eh? I have never tried, but I imagine I am already pretty spoiled from years on Oahu's Northshore and growing up at Malibu point. Lemme know if you're ever in LA and maybe we could paddle out, or cruise PCH on the NCs....lol
    Thanks for the kind words. Now time to get ready for class...lol
    Take care.....

    Hey Jay Fridays--I notice that you are a musician--I am a drummer and play regularly in Albuquerque. I love surfing as well, though the waves in Albuquerque come in the form of wind only:). I am a social studies teacher at Cibola High School. I love it still--even after 27 years. I hope you continue in your studies as a pre- med student. Way to go!
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