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  • Sir sorry to bother you again... May I ask how long did it take to get the bags from France? Mine says "shipped" Monday via la poste. Just curious when to have the wife watch the front door. Thank you kindly. Gus
    I finally found the brackets from that dealer they told me they couldn't get them and didn't have them but I was searching Google and I found them on their store $160 free shipping thank you
    Shad 3P System Fitting for SH36 H0NT74IF Honda Integra 700 750 NC700 NC750X S | eBay

    Is it. Maybe they just don't have any more.
    I just contacted motorhead zone about the brackets and gave them the part number they said they don't carry that part they were completely not helpful at all you have any suggestions where I might go thank you so much
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