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Nut Plates for Tall Screens

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What is a nutplate? Never heard of it. Is this an OEM part? Just a hunk of steel with a threaded hole in it? If so, go to Hopot, buy some steel say 1/8 or 3/16" thick, cut to size, drill and thread it for your screws.

My Suzi's Calsci oversized windshield is held on w/ wellnuts and has seen over 10,000 miles (easily half at freeway speeds). I'm going to make sure there is no internet connection in my garage where the DL650 lives - don't want it to learn the foibles of wellnuts. :D
What is a nutplate? Never heard of it. Is this an OEM part? Just a hunk of steel with a threaded hole in it? If so, go to Hopot, buy some steel say 1/8 or 3/16" thick, cut to size, drill and thread it for your screws.

My Suzi's Calsci oversized windshield is held on w/ wellnuts and has seen over 10,000 miles (easily half at freeway speeds). I'm going to make sure there is no internet connection in my garage where the DL650 lives - don't want it to learn the foibles of wellnuts. :D
Nutplates were available from, among places, a member on this forum that fabricated parts for the NC. He is no longer doing so. Nutplates and their application are shown part way through this post: https://www.nc700-forum.com/threads/hondabikepro-products.5694/

Some large screens were offered by aftermarket vendors, but some used the stock wellnuts which at times proved inadequate for the job. CalSci was one in particular that had examples of stock wellnuts pulling loose on the NC. Even Honda’s OEM accessory tall screen used Honda nutplates in leiu of their own standard screen wellnuts.

On Madstad’s original NC design, they quickly began including their own nutplates for the NC application.
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Thanks @670cc, the nutplate still looks to me to be basically a longer strip of steel with 4 holes drilled and tapped for the windshield. The shield will still need some kind of grommet to prevent stress from the bolt. With some careful layout, maybe some grinding, it should be possible to hand drill and tap those 4 holes. At least I think so - but my metalworking skill level is pretty high for an amateur.
Thanks @670cc, the nutplate still looks to me to be basically a longer strip of steel with 4 holes drilled and tapped for the windshield. The shield will still need some kind of grommet to prevent stress from the bolt. With some careful layout, maybe some grinding, it should be possible to hand drill and tap those 4 holes. At least I think so - but my metalworking skill level is pretty high for an amateur.
It’s not drilled and tapped. There are physical nuts pressed into the plate. On the NC, the nuts will nest into the mounting holes on the stay.

I’m not saying someone couldn’t simply drill and tap a flat bar, but it wouldn’t satisfy me. Dale’s and Madstad’s plates were much better than that.
You can buy nutplates on Amazon.

Sorry, don't look like anyone on Amazon are selling them now. The ones I had saved are no longer available.
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What is the windshield and does it attach using just the holes on the aluminum bracket with only a 2 inch vertical hole spacing? I just went through this with a Calsci windshield which tore out the well nuts the first time I hit a wind gust. You will need some kind of a bracket to better support the screen if that is the case. I had a factory tall windscreen which has a taller bracket and nutplates to attach it, and I modified the Calsci screen to work with that bracket. It is a rock now.

What is the windshield and does it attach using just the holes on the aluminum bracket with only a 2 inch vertical hole spacing? I just went through this with a Calsci windshield which tore out the well nuts the first time I hit a wind gust. You will need some kind of a bracket to better support the screen if that is the case. I had a factory tall windscreen which has a taller bracket and nutplates to attach it, and I modified the Calsci screen to work with that bracket. It is a rock now.

It's a Parabellum tall screen with 4 holes in the bottom. 24" tall.
It's a Parabellum tall screen with 4 holes in the bottom. 24" tall.
Hmmm, OK, not familiar with that. If the vertical spacing of the holes is 2 inches like mine was I don't see how it would work any better than mine did originally. Basically there is so much leverage applied against the mounting bolts that either the well nuts fail or the windshield cracks from the stress on it. If you can locate a bracket for the stock Honda tall windshield I could show you how I made that work.
