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Summer Adventure 2018


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Mar 11, 2013
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Summer is here... time to go on an adventure.....

This time, I'm off to see an old friend in Omaha, Nebraska. I thought it might be fun to document the build up to the ride in mid-July. I'll have photos up (in detail) of what I'm packing for the ride, so this post will be ongoing. I plan to post the "Glympse" URL so folks can follow along each day. Hey, it's just for entertainment. This isn't an around the world trip , and I'm certainly no expert.

Today, we'll start with the map. Each GPS listed in the map below is a "FreeCampSites.net" camping location.
First stop is
35.278519, -112.693093
(use google maps and the satellite view to zoom in. You can see the fire ring.)
near Ash Fork AZ. I picked it because it's not very far off Interstate 40 and only 400 miles from home... that's the longest leg of the journey. I've learned that you can't arrive at a "free" site near dark. If it's occupied, you end up searching for the alternates in the dark! Not fun. The alternates are near by. Last resort for that leg will be the KOA in Williams!

Lets get this entertaining post going with the map.
I'm taking the same route back and camping at mostly the same spots. 'might use one of the alternates just to vary the experience.

... more to come....
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There is a cool motorcycle museum out in NW Kansas. I will look it up.

St. Francis Motorcycle Museum - Home

It is not really on your way, but a cool place to visit out on the plains is Lake Scott. You are out on the flat prairies and suddenly there is a canyon, green and cool. You can camp. There are ruins of a Pueblo.
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I agree with you on the troubles of finding campsites in the dark. In my youth I did that way too many times. We’d find a site of some sort, wake up in the morning, then have a look around in daylight to see where we actually were. I’m wiser now, setting up camp well before dark.

I’m impressed by your tolerance for heat, taking a trip like that in the summer. Ride on!
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Heat: Mesh riding gear with a long sleeved, cotton, shirt. Keep the shirt water soaked as I ride. Air rushes over it, water evaporates, taking heat with it.

shirt drys out, stop at a gas station and soak it again.
Rinse and repeat.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
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Summer is here... time to go on an adventure.....

This time, I'm off to see an old friend in Omaha, Nebraska. I thought it might be fun to document the build up to the ride in mid-July. I'll have photos up (in detail) of what I'm packing for the ride, so this post will be ongoing. I plan to post the "Glympse" URL so folks can follow along each day. Hey, it's just for entertainment. This isn't an around the world trip , and I'm certainly no expert.
Sounds like a nice trip, beautiful country!

If I may suggest an alternate route, stay on 15 north thru Vegas to St.George, cut thru Zion over to 89 onto 89A swinging thru North Rim, then on to Page and passing Four Corners to Cortez. You then cut across southern Colorado to pick up your routing to your friend.

I wouldn’t mind joining you depending on how long you expect to stay visiting your friend. Next week I’m dropping my RV off in El Cajon to start its 5 week long 4x4 conversion and could visit you on my way back to Oregon on my NC’. Is your adventure plan to start after Friday the 13th? Hmmm?

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Start date is July 14. Glympse will let folks track this ride with amazing accuracy.

The goal is to post at least one entry with pictures every day.

So today let's test glympse...
That will be active for the next 12 hours.
Does it work?

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Today's photo.

My beloved NC on the patio decked out in adventure bags... all empty just yet.

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It seems to work fine. Is that real time?

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk
Yes, it is in real time. Kinda creepy to some, but I already share my location with family, so it's good to practice for the big July ride. I'll be going out this afternoon, so y'all (I'm not from the south) will have a chance to see it work when I'm on California Freeways.
Right now? 0 miles an hour at home...typing on the computer.
Not sure if I want to bring a laptop on the ride... probably will...
Using Tapatalk to make the daily photo entry seems to work pretty well.
I wouldn’t mind joining you depending on how long you expect to stay visiting your friend. Next week I’m dropping my RV off in El Cajon to start its 5 week long 4x4 conversion and could visit you on my way back to Oregon on my NC’. Is your adventure plan to start after Friday the 13th? Hmmm?Ray
Anyone who wants to can. I'm kinda hoping that someone will join me on an interstate for a few miles. I don't have the gas stops planned out, but that happens about once every 180-200 miles. Just ride up next to me...wave...then break off when it stops being fun....

feel free to ride along at any point in the trip. Pick a camp site.... if you want... always room for another tent....

Trip UP to Omaha:
start: Sat.14 July (one camp site per night, FOUR nights...see map for GPS locations)
end: Tue. 17 July

Trip DOWN from Omaha:
start: Sun. 22 July (same camp sites going back down.)
end: Thu. 26 July

NB: the stop in Trinidad, CO is NOT a camp site. I'm staying with family then.

Tracking where I am in real time should be easy .... unless the Glympse app. crashes and I don't see it....restarting it seems to get the active track going again...Hmmm...have to check that regularly during the ride....
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Going out on a ride within the next 30 minutes.
Coronado Island maybe?

Look for me at


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When it is over 95 degrees it is proven to be cooler with gear on. Not mesh gear. You may want to go to LDComfort.com and buy a pair of cool sleeves. Their riding undergarments are a wonderful addition to keep you comfortable. You may want to buy a cooling vest too. Lasts much longer than a wet t-shirt. Last year I couldn't find gas stations with a water hose. Had to go in and soak my vest in the bathroom sink. I believe cooling vests are on cyclegear.com.
Going through Colorado you miss heat and some wonderful scenery. Not as fast though. I will have to check out this glympse.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
time for another photo

OK...so I haven't been able to supply a photo a day like a good blogger should, but here's today's offering.

These are the items I keep in the improvised camping top box.


starting from top left and going clockwise...

coleman two-person tent [HERE], tarp, air pump, air mattress, air pillow, sleeping bag [HERE]

all of that fits in [THIS] as top box.
husky 20gal topbox.jpg
the top box is modified to mimic (attach) to the platform it's on. That platform comes with [THIS] top box.
It will close with the gear in it, but only JUST.

The tent is also modified to mimic more expensive (easier to use) designs, and that will be the subject of the next pictorial.

The air mattress [HERE] ($8 Walmart) is a must, and I'm thinking of packing a spare in the saddle bags. It's really not fun to have the air mattress collapse in the night and find yourself sleeping on the hard ground. I make NO apology for that. I'm not sure I'd do this without air mattress technology.

The air pump has a car power connector and runs from a port in the Frunk.

The sleeping bag [HERE] is TETON Sports Celsius XL. It's over-kill for this summer trip, but it's better to have more than you need than not enough. On really cold trips (one so far), I carry a secondary bag and combine the two. The synergy really works well, and I've been down below freezing, comfortably, once with the 2nd bag inside the Teton.

The tarp goes under the tent, and the air pillow goes under my head.

see you tomorrow.