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Hi-Viz Gear Attracting Attention!


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Sep 30, 2014
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South-East Kansas
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I wore my new riding gear today, Hi-Viz helmet and jacket and really attracted a lot of attention! Most motorcycle riders in my neck of the woods don't wear riding gear and a high percentage don't wear helmets, so I really made a splash!
I noticed that too over here in san francisco bay area.
When I don't wear hi-vis, I get cagers get on my tail.
When I do wear hi-vis, they back way off.
also when I filter through traffic, people seem to spread out more thus giving me more room to go pass.

I'm definitely not the typical motorcycle rider in here in SouthEast Kansas...full riding gear and a NC700X.

I do have to say all the other motorcycle riders are very friendly and always give the biker's wave.

Tomorrow I get to try the gear out in below freezing temps!

Replaced my jacket with hi-viz this year. Hi-viz helmet, jacket and gloves for my wife. She looks like a Power Ranger when riding and that's OK with me and her. Everything and anything to help be seen by others.
what sold me on hi-vis was looking at a highway from far away.
I noticed a motorcycle rider in his hi-vis apparel.
I saw him MILES away.

Where as the guys in black, they just blended in and was difficult to see.
Especially when there are dark areas like trees, shrubs, etc...

what sold me on hi-vis was looking at a highway from far away.
I noticed a motorcycle rider in his hi-vis apparel.
I saw him MILES away.

Where as the guys in black, they just blended in and was difficult to see.
Especially when there are dark areas like trees, shrubs, etc...


Same here, went to loud clothing years ago and on my second jacket. Don't know why guys/gals still like to wear clothes that blend into the pavement.
Hi-viz for sure. Notice me in my avatar?

I have no idea why black is so popular.
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I'm a heavy rider and wear a 3XL jacket (2XL might have fit..maybe), so there is A LOT of hi-viz fabric going do the highway!

I do feel more conspicuous and that is a good thing.
Along those lines, I regret that the NC700X has so much black on it. Even if you painted the 10 plastic painted parts on the bike hi-viz, the front and rear views would show little color, and the side would be half black, half hi viz. So, it's all the more reason to have highly visible clothing.
Along those lines, I regret that the NC700X has so much black on it. Even if you painted the 10 plastic painted parts on the bike hi-viz, the front and rear views would show little color, and the side would be half black, half hi viz. So, it's all the more reason to have highly visible clothing.

Like you i wish there was a tasteful way to get some hi-viz in the Silver bike. I have a hi-viz jacket and one helmet is hi-viz. When the time comes to replace it, I will go hi-viz.
I wear a silver helmet and a silver and black Alpinestars jacket with reflective strips built in it. While it isn't neon yellow I stand out much more than the typical Hard-tards in my area. I noticed I am also the only one who seems to wear riding pants (over pants in my case) and not just jeans or shorts.

My friend has a roll of REALLY reflective tape the Navy uses on life jackets, I'm going to put some on the bike since I commute home at 11 or so at night. I think I'll put it in place of that horrible "reflector" on the Honda top case.
I think I'll put it in place of that horrible "reflector" on the Honda top case.

I bought some Solus reflective tape at a local marine supply store and used it to change out the silver reflector band on the Top Case. It may not be the best, but it is better than the original.
When I started riding two years ago and needed to purchase riding gear I wanted to get Hi-vis stuff. But it was out of stock in my size in the local dealerships and the wait time was several months. I wanted to buy local because I live in a very economically depressed community and the local merchants can use all the help they can get. I ended up getting a jacket in silver and black and a silver helmet. It may not be the most visible but it does look nice with the silver NC. When I need to replace my current gear I will ask my local dealers to order Hi-vis in my size if they can. If they refuse I guess I will look elsewhere, but at least I will give them first opportunity.
Hi-vis was hard to find a few years ago but is more readily available now. Helmets in hi-viz are still a bit rare. One problem is the color tends to fade on helmets. Helmet manufacturers have labels warning the buyer that the color can fade over time. I'd guess not storing it in the sun would help, but I doubt few people would leave it in the sun anyway.

Here's a thought: What if everyone, riders and pedestrians, and what if all vehicles were hi-viz? You wouldn't stand out anymore. It's that you are one of the few out there with that color that makes you visible. So lets hope it doesn't catch on too well, or it will negate the advantage we have.