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Dealing with surprises.....sort of.


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May 23, 2013
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Ontario, Canada
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Not really sure if I'm asking for advice here or looking to hear anyone else's experience in similar situations, but here it is.

I just recently found out by complete accident what my girlfriend had planned for me to do to celebrate my 25th birthday this fall. Probably a key mistake on her part, but about a week after I bought my S she told me she bought my birthday present and obviously wasn't tellin. All she said was that I had to book it off work, it's a Friday this year so nbd. It's also in October, quite a ways off yet. I don't know about the rest of you, but when I'm told something like this my mind eats away at every possibility until I find out what it is. So the gears started to grind.

A few weeks later I'm at her place for the weekend, and I ask if I can use her computer to look up directions to a KTM dealer to get parts for my Dad. Sure, no problem. I re-open chrome and she's got a few tabs open, but I head for google maps. While it's thinking about where I'm trying to go I can't help but read the little blips on her open tabs. Most of it fairly usual stuff for her. Netflix, hotmail, facebook, school stuff.............then I see the words Ferrari & Lambourghini. I then DO NOT open that tab, everyone's got their privacy and I respect that, but it gets me thinking about why she'd possibly be looking at anything to do with either of those two. In our time together she's always gotten more excited about 5th gen Camaros and Lotus Evoras before even thinking about Ferraris and Lambos, so again, the gears grind. What has been seen cannot be un-seen, and as hard as I try I can't not think about it.

So I arrived at the conclusion that she's bought me some lap time in my choice of either red or yellow super-car. Maybe more flavours are available, I don't know yet. But it's been confirmed that this is the case, and frankly neither one of us are too jazzed about it being out in the open. She's upset that it's my 25th and this was suppose to be a big, blow-my-mind surprise and now it's not so much of a surprise, and I'm feelin' down about it because I found out and I was looking forward to finding out the day of.

So I guess I'm asking if anyone else has ever stumbled across a surprise laid out for them and had similar end results?

As far as I know we're still going to wherever we're going for me to drive whatever I'll be driving, but as more details surface I might try to get her behind a wheel that day. Her birthday is only a couple weeks away on the 31st. It's kind of fitting really, mine has always been over-shadowed by Canadian thanksgiving, and hers by Halloween.
I just recently found out by complete accident...

...the gears grind. What has been seen cannot be un-seen, and as hard as I try I can't not think about it.

...So I arrived at the conclusion that she's bought me some lap time in my choice of either red or yellow super-car.

...it's been confirmed that this is the case, and frankly neither one of us are too jazzed about it being out in the open.

...She's upset...

...I'm feelin' down about it because I found out and I was looking forward to finding out the day of.

No offense, but it seems more than "by complete accident" that you sussed out the surprise. It seems curiosity got the better of you, and you thought too hard and dug too deep, deliberately. (not maliciously, just you really should have known better instantly and left it alone, if you knew she was so stoked and put so much planning into it)

How did she find out that you found out?

In my experience, no good has ever come from people using their friends or significant others computers, no matter how innocently or "by complete accident" things are seen...
Tisk.. tisk... tisk... on poking around her computer!!!
Not to lecture you, or teach you the lessons of life or anything like that... But, as your older and more experienced friend (I have 30+ years on you) I'll tell you this:

If you are going to marry this girl, you better stick to the TRUST policy (until God forbid proven otherwise). NEVER EVER look into her purse, pockets, telephone, computer, etc,....
Because with your inquisitive mindset, you'll find problems even where they may not exist. She should do the same.
If one of you breaks that rule (even if the other party does not know) - your marriage is DONE! Just the matter of time...... If you can't trust each other - don't get married, have children and make all of you suffer with life long scars, if you get divorced.

Now, my 2 cents about your BD present.
Usually, people imagine much more than it really is, and then get disappointed.... Just a human trait.
So, chill! Tune your mind out of it completely for now. You are in a dangerous mindset, that will definitely lead to no good if you don't learn to control it.
BTW, I have a felling that she may switch a present on you....

So, there.... Just sharing my thoughts as if you were my son.

P.S. Damn, we need a spell check here.... I probably messed up some words :)
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She asked if I had any guesses at what it was.

Poor dude. It's a trap!


That screams: Say anything in the world except for what you really think.

"Do these jeans make my bum look fat?"

"No, go ahead, go out with your friends, I don't mind."

"There's nothing wrong."

"Guess what I got you for your birthday?"

Anything like these should make any wise fellow instantly suspicious, and woe betide you if you actually answer honestly, or take what was said like another guy would have meant it. *snort*

Again, no offense, mate. I empathise, I really do. Hope it works out in the end and both y'all have great birthdays! :cool:
I'll never have women figured out. I definitely will not be using her computer again. If the force is with me then the weather will be decent that weekend and many two-up miles will be put on the S. We're heading out for "our" maiden voyage on it this coming weekend. I'm pretty stoked about that.
"I'll never have women figured out."

:) :) :) I am glad you've come to that conclusion early in your life !!! :) :) :)

Enjoy the ride! Be careful and don't spook your girl!