• A few people have been scammed on the site, Only use paypal to pay for items for sale by other members. If they will not use paypal, its likely a scam NEVER SEND E-TRANSFERS OF ANY KIND.

Giving us a bad image.

I think it really shows how stupid they are posting a video for everyone to see that incriminates themselves. It is obvious the bike that got rear ended was attempting to stop the car, he was looking over his shoulder the entire time he was slowing down.
This SUV driver is sooooo wrong driving all over the bikes and people and leaving the scene of the accident. That's an attemped vehicular homiside right there! Too bad the bikers didn't teach him a good lesson when they cought up with him. What an a$$hole!!!!

I wonder how that would go if it was a 1% or 2% club..... Oh, never mind..... we all know the answer!

Looked like the man was trying to protect his family to me. Oh and when the tough guy was breaking the window to beat this guy. He should have got a couple of slugs to the head!
I've saw reckless motorcycles prior to taking my MSF course... after taking it I appreciated that when a bike is so close to my car that I can't see his tires (front or rear, maybe not so much to the side) that the person on that bike doesn't value their own life...

shortly after getting my motorcycle, I was in my car and one bike managed to go from being way too close to my rear bumper to way too close to my front bumper, all without ever leaving my lane, in heavy traffic... I missed my exit because I was working very hard to keep him from dying on the front of my car, and avoid getting slammed by the rest of traffic around me...

There are some people on motorcycles who either don't appreciate how fragile the human body really is, or just don't care... and they are dangerous.

From the video, it appears pretty obvious that after the accident no one moved off to the side of the road... strike 1 for reasonable response to being hit. after that something spooked the driver of the SUV to the point where he no longer gave a shit about the bikes in front of him... strike 2 against reasonable response... even prior to the hit, clearly they were in the same lane as the SUV, and appeared to be that way on both sides of the SUV... not much you can do in a car to deal with that... he was going to hit someone or get hit by someone just because of the shear volume of people around him... Appropriate response when being chased by a gang of thugs... think through where you are... think through how to get to the nearest police or fire station... pull into their parking lot honking and squealing your tires as you stop. Of course being rational when being chased by a group of thugs is pretty damn hard...
I once found myself a few seconds in front of a large group of bikes on my way home from work when I lived in PA and commuted to Jersey. Noting the long line of bikes in my rear view mirror, I pulled to the shoulder and waited about 30 seconds for them to pass. And I was riding my R1200C.
I was in a situation much like this SUV driver,except I was at work driving a bus and the gang rode bicycles..I had to stop because I had to pick up some folks and blocked the road,,when I started out again all hell broke lose..they punched and kicked the bus and then one tried to stage an accident by ramming into the front of the bus,,I just stopped.and throw a few f**ks at them.. Here is a vid from Poland ,,its what can happen if one single rider trys to brake test a car...Motocyklista chcial postraszyc kierwowc?.... - video w cda.pl sorry ,,bear with it until 00.46
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This isn't just a group of typical motorcyclists. From the looks of the tats on the guy that did the brake checking and his brother in an interview I'd guess there was some gang affiliation. A lot of the bikes in that group didn't even appear to have plates.
No sympathy for the biker from me. He broke the law and got hit. The family fled in fear and the end results prove they had reason to do so.
Here is an article with updated info:

At the end they quote police saying: “We had over 200 calls just on Sunday about this particular group operating in a reckless manner,”

Read more: Biker surrenders to New York cops after another arrested for accident that caused attack on SUV driver - NY Daily News

Like the title of this thread says....these people, are the ones giving motorcyclist a bad name.

Disregard for anyone else's safety, they are riding to impress their friends at everyone else's peril. I don't classify these people as motorcyclists, they are irresponsible, inconsiderate, and in this case dangerous thugs.

They posted the video thinking it would cause outrage against the driver.... and instead they are getting outrage directed at THEM for their irresponsible, and outrageous behavior.

There have been at least 2 people charged in this incident, and 2 more are wanted by the police. The driver of the SUV was NOT charged for anything.
Here are my thoughts, in pictures!

Group of bikers:

Group of... not:

Nothing to do with the type of machine they're sitting on, one ride looks perfectly orderly and the other, well, doesn't. I love watching videos of stunts on YouTube, but just like other "extreme" types of sports why do them on freeways and city streets? I'd feel the same way if groups of Civics and Fits were doing the same things, and rightfully so.
And then once the mob mentality sets in and gels with the pumping adrenaline... makes me want to take a country ride all by my lonesome.
Just a note on the two photos above,,and the first one hardly any are wearing helmets (lids) the second they all are...what does that tell us,, "I do,nt know"" but there must be a morel in it somewhere!!!
Just a note on the two photos above,,and the first one hardly any are wearing helmets (lids) the second they all are...what does that tell us,, "I do,nt know"" but there must be a morel in it somewhere!!!

Good point!
I was just pointing towards how orderly they were in comparison.
As for helmets... I'll always wear mine and recommend to anyone else they do as well, but not wearing a lid (like stunting) puts yourself at greater risk, where putting other, unwilling participants into the equation makes things worse... in my humble opinion.
Here is an article with updated info:

At the end they quote police saying: “We had over 200 calls just on Sunday about this particular group operating in a reckless manner,”

Read more: Biker surrenders to New York cops after another arrested for accident that caused attack on SUV driver - NY Daily News

Like the title of this thread says....these people, are the ones giving motorcyclist a bad name.

Disregard for anyone else's safety, they are riding to impress their friends at everyone else's peril. I don't classify these people as motorcyclists, they are irresponsible, inconsiderate, and in this case dangerous thugs.

They posted the video thinking it would cause outrage against the driver.... and instead they are getting outrage directed at THEM for their irresponsible, and outrageous behavior.

There have been at least 2 people charged in this incident, and 2 more are wanted by the police. The driver of the SUV was NOT charged for anything.

Sadly whilst we as enthusiast realise the difference between these idiots and most motorcyclist Joe Public doesn't and tend to tar us all with the same brush
A little bit more from the Boston Globe

(I am skipping the info previously reported)

New York Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said the motorcyclists were part of a loosely organized group who planned to drive into the heart of the city as they had done last year, effectively paralyzing Times Square, The New York Times reported. Kelly said his department was on alert this year and stopped motorcyclists throughout the city before they could grow into a large throng.

At the Lawrence house where Mieses lives, a woman who answered the door and identified herself as his sister-in-law said, “He’s going to make it.”

Though Mieses is a Massachusetts resident, he has never had a valid Massachusetts driver’s license for a passenger vehicle and has never applied for a motorcycle license, the Registry of Motor Vehicles said.

Registry records show that Mieses applied for a learner’s permit in 1999 and 2000, but that he never obtained a full license because he failed to pay fines imposed after he was ticketed for speeding in Lawrence in 1999. His last contact with the Registry was in 2001, when he obtained an identification card, registry records show.

Since 1999, he has been ticketed by police 16 times, in Lawrence, Methuen, Roxbury, Andover, and New Hampshire, according to registry records.

In June, the Registry notified the National Driver Register that Mieses was a habitual traffic offender whose right to drive in Massachusetts was revoked until 2017, records show.
The more you read about this the crazier it gets. I'm not surprised one of the riders didn't have a valid license. I'm willing to bet several in that group did not. A guy I used to work with just a few months back came across a great deal on a GSXR750. He had that thing stretched, lowered, and added an aftermarket exhaust then put on a several hundred miles before he even thought about get his license. I got on him several times about getting to the DMV. After two months he finally went and took the Illinois Basic Riders Course.

This guy in the article is a little more extreme. How do you get ticketed 16 times and not be in jail. I'm not in law enforcement but I would think at some point the system would say the fines are doing a good enough job we need to do something a little harsher. It is obvious the guy was going to continue to driver regardless whether his license was revoked or not.
@ 51 seconds is what haunts me. After the bump and everyone is stopped, that SUV runs over several bikes and bikers.... I saw one guy off his bike about 30 yards in front of the SUV, but almost no movement at all close to the SUV.... I'm sorry, but totally blaming the guys riding seems wrong to me. The driver of that SUV scares me...
@ 51 seconds is what haunts me. After the bump and everyone is stopped, that SUV runs over several bikes and bikers.... I saw one guy off his bike about 30 yards in front of the SUV, but almost no movement at all close to the SUV.... I'm sorry, but totally blaming the guys riding seems wrong to me. The driver of that SUV scares me...

Understand we did not see what happened prior, because the rider who filmed it edited that part out. We also could not see what was happening at the SUV. The people inside said they were slashing at the tires and pounding on the doors. That implies knives were out for one thing.
I do agree, driving over the bikes... had to be total panic mode. In another news article it said the riders had "Laid their bikes down on their sides in front of the SUV to block it in".

If you, your wife and 2 year old are surrounded by 40 or so angry bikers laying their bikes down in front of your vehicle and they have knives and are beating on your vehicle and using the knives on your tires... can you say you would not panic and drive over the bikes that they laid down in front of you to form a barricade to prevent you from escaping them?

The guy who got run over was right in front of or in the middle of that barricade of bikes that were lain down. He is also the guy with the 16 tickets and has never had a valid drivers licence.
He was riding in New York but lives in Boston... implying he rode or trailered the bike down... He is likely one of the many without licence plates as well since he doesn't have a licence.

Also remember the police had received over 200 complaints about this group already this very afternoon. 200 complaints.... that's 200 people who were upset enough to dial 911 for things they witnessed them doing. 200 911 calls then this incident happens. Who do you think caused this incident, and do you think this guy in the SUV was in fear for the life of his family?

There is just a mountain of evidence that these riders were in a pack mentality, feeling invincible due to the numbers, and wanting to teach a lesson to anyone who dared show disapproval of their antics. The riders claimed the driver had shouted obscenities at them.... that very well may be true, but why would he have done that? 200 911 calls kind of gives you a clue as to why someone might have been upset with them.

The driver was in fear for his life and the life of his family... it was a crazy move... driving over the bikes they laid down to block him in... but I don't know if I would have just sat there and let them get to my family in this situation.... I really don't think I could have lived with myself if I sat there and they did something to hurt my wife or child, so I don't know what I would have done.

200 911 calls.. that is ALLOT!!
I wasn't there and I can't draw any valid conclusion from a few seconds of video and conflicting statements but what I can do is strive to be an ambassador of motorcycling to the non riding public I come in contact with.
Here are my thoughts, in pictures!

Group of bikers:

one ride looks perfectly orderly and the other, well, doesn't.

The Harley group looks pretty typical of them to me - left lane at parade speed, probably as loud as two sonic booms, and to hell with anyone we happen to inconvenience or annoy. Still butt-tards, just not dangerous ones.
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well you know that family dogs can be docile but once in a pack then things changed.
animal instinct then take over,what was a docile dog is no a raging bull in a pack.
its the same thing with humans hence demonstrators soon turn into riots once some start it all off.
to tell the truth if I was in that suv and had a ak45 I would shoot the bl**dy of them and worry about the consequence after.
When things like this happen I always wonder if some crazy driver is going to try and run me off the road for retaliations sake. May sound paranoid but people do weird crap nowadays?