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how often do...........

Once a year at most. Water is bad for things mechanical or electrical so I limit the washing. Unless there is a woman involved....
I look mine over al lthe time. I just don't wash it. I only hide commute with the bike so the heavy rains wash off anything that may have built up. A person could not look at my bike and guess it has only been washed twice in a year. It jsut doesn't look that dirty.

well you must have clean roads then.
if rains here then the bike gets filthy.
Maybe half hour to wash it, I usually spend 2-3 hours cleaning mine inc drying and polishing.

I even clean the inside of my hand guards!

yeah I mean these lazy buggers who don't wash their investment.

I spend on average about an hour or so.
I just hose every thing down using a soft car brush and then wash/wax clean it and maybe micro cloth wipe it.
I usually wash the car at the same time.
I don't like those little divets (more like channels) on the spokes of the wheels. They piss me off. I can't get in there to get them clean. I need a little brush.
THAT is why I try not to get too involved...I don't know when to quit!
Honestly I have only give my bike a good clean once in nearly two years..And when I did give it a wash and degrease it came up looking like new...I have ridden though the winter grime (with added salt) .My secret ( well not really a secret) is to spray on cheap grease...it looks a "Dogs dinner" after a few trips but sure keeps corrosion at bay.The main thing is though..This Honda has a quality finish in the first place...
I think I mentioned it before but someone (probably more than one) makes a silicon spray you spray EVERYTHING with. It keeps the dirt and grime from sticking. I say EVERYTHING because you spray the engine, too.