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Thinking About Getting a NC700X this Winter...

I currently have an FZ6 along with my X. Ridden sanely (which I have a hard time doing) the Z will get in the low 50's mpg up to around 70 mph. Riding at close to triple digits or over still gets mid 40's. The X makes normal speed limits seem fun while on the Z you need to be going 10 or 15 over before it starts to wake up. Several members of the FZ6 forum I'm a member of have done multi-thousand mile and multi-week trips on the Z as have members here on the X. All agree the stock seats suck.

As for two up I'll leave that for others as I don't go two up anymore. The Z is tremendously easy to work on. Only thing I ever had the dealer do was valve adjustment, at 27,000 miles (3x that of the X), and replace chain and sprockets. I've not had to do much to the X yet but after looking at a video of air filter replacement on the X vs maybe 8 or nine screws/bolts on the Z (three on the tank and six on the airbox) I'm beginning to wonder. I really intended the Z to be my last bike but now that I have the X I'm pretty sure the X will be - and I'm trying to sell the Z.
I have an NC and I love it. A brilliant bike, but two up, forget it. There are plenty of two up bikes out there, for instance , Triumph 1200 Explorer, Yamaha FJR 1200, Honda GL1800 etc etc. All can be ridden in a spirited way, are very comfortable and most importantly of all, have sufficient power to carry two people with gear.
I have an NC and I love it. A brilliant bike, but two up, forget it. There are plenty of two up bikes out there, for instance , Triumph 1200 Explorer, Yamaha FJR 1200, Honda GL1800 etc etc. All can be ridden in a spirited way, are very comfortable and most importantly of all, have sufficient power to carry two people with gear.

sorry GRUMPS your talking a load of bollocks.
unless the two of you are built built like this little fella:rolleyes:....
I ride two up all the time and I find the NC perfectly capable of carrying two up.
total combined weight is 378lbs.
no problem's at all in over taking,going up steep hills etc.
granted mine is a DCT model but I would expect gear models will be just as good.
sorry GRUMPS your talking a load of bollocks.
unless the two of you are built built like this little fella:rolleyes:....
I ride two up all the time and I find the NC perfectly capable of carrying two up.
total combined weight is 378lbs.
no problem's at all in over taking,going up steep hills etc.
granted mine is a DCT model but I would expect gear models will be just as good.

OK Johnakay,
Obviously you are easily pleased if you are satisfied with the acceleration of the NC two up. For me, trying to overtake in top gear in such a situation is like watching paint dry. Remember also that I really like this bike, but in fairness I suppose that the best test of any bike for anyone's needs, is for them to try it out in the circumstances in which they will use it. Furthermore I have been around a long time, and am not generally known for "talking a load of Bollocks". I have been motorcycling for over 40 years continuously and at this stage of my life I am well capable of knowing what a motorcycle is capable of. All one has to do is look at the pillion end of the NC to know that the saddle is totally unsuited for pillion riding other than for a very short distance.
I will chime in again about 2 up riding on the NC based on my recent experiences. I stated in my previous post that the NC was adequate, but as others have already said there are far superior bikes available for two up long distance touring. In spite of modest power and limited seating comfort, we have come up with some workable solutions for our particular needs.

As I previously said we can make 500 to 600 miles a day if necessary. Our goal is to average 50 mph for 10 to 12 each riding day. We try to avoid the interstate, but when ride the super slab, I stay at about 70 mph. Usually we take secondary highways, riding 55 to 65 mph.

We have ridden many times through the mountains of Colorado and I have found the NC adequate on power production by selecting the proper gear for the riding conditions. I agree with others, if your intention is purely two up long distance touring, you might want to look at the other fine options available to you.

I was waiting to see if Honda was going to import the 1200 CrossTour this year after our BMW GS left us stranded in the middle of nowhere, but went with the modded NC for now, awaiting to see what Honda does for 2015.
I look forward to hearing what my wife thinks about my NC when I take her for a weekend getaway. Hopefully she will hate the seat, that will give her a reason to let me buy a Bill Mayer saddle so she can tolerate a long day on the bike.
I was waiting to see if Honda was going to import the 1200 CrossTour this year after our BMW GS left us stranded in the middle of nowhere, but went with the modded NC for now, awaiting to see what Honda does for 2015.

I am surprised that Honda have not imported the Crosstourer to the US. I tried one out for a day over here. Now, that is definitely a two up motorcycle. Lots of midrange and bottom end power. Nice gearbox and unintrusive shaft drive.
My dealers was hoping the crossrunner would be offered this year but the crosstourer is nice too.
no doubt grumps we're about the same age;)
granted every body has different views of what is capable of...........
as for very easily pleased I very much doubt that. my last bike was shyt to me I couldn't get away with it and I had that from new.
I dont find the seat a problem other than sliding forward but having said that most mileage I've done in a day is 333 miles or so.
by the time I get back I've had enough:)
so I will be getting my seat altered....
I hate to say this but I'm glad my wife doesn't want to ride with me. Guess that sounds mean. I don't really care if I ever find out how this bike rides 2up. I know the OP was conserned and I'm sure he has made his choice by now. What she is, is an excellent commuter bike. Best bike I have ever owned for getting my butt to work with all my gear.

It's like Grump said,

I suppose that the best test of any bike for anyone's needs, is for them to try it out in the circumstances in which they will use it.

This is the best way to find out for yourself. Granted you can't go on a 4 hour ride to determine comfort but you can determine if the power will suit you.
I sort of echo that about the wife not riding. When I had my GW we would ride some and I enjoyed her company very much. Never enjoyed the ride as much and it was always the nagging feeling in the back of my mind of what if... I don't mind reaping the consequences of my own choices but I didn't like the feeling of her getting hurt over a mistake I may have made. Or something like a deer running in front of us which happened more than once.