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2024: What did you do to/with your NC700/NC750 today?

Day 115..dawn ride since grandsons have 3 baseball games today...rode the 450 loop counter clockwise..54 miles @ 55 degrees under overcast skies with some light sprinkles

also filled up on the ride this morning... had gone 183.3 miles, took 2.36 to fill up and if my math is right that works out to 77.7 mpg ... woohoo!
I've got a busy few weeks coming up so decided to replace my rear tire today. Got 7000 miles out of the Shinko 009 Ravens which I think was good for $100 tire. Put the same tire back on! Also replaced the valve stem with a angled aluminum one and added a TPMS sensor. I'll get the front valve stem replaced whenever that tire's done.

A rain free but damp morning as I set out for a big loop ride on backroads. Had to make a detour due to a rock slide that closed PA-611 through the Delaware Water Gap. The slide had occurred recently as there no detour signs up yet. Had to backtrack a few miles and take I-80 instead. 6.5 hours, 213 miles for the day.
Day 118..RAIN BATH! Dang weather terrorist said it wasn't going to rain until 2 PM. I had a Dr appt 45 mins from home at 10:45, but it was all freeway so I took the cage. Got home about 11:55, changed into riding gear and got on the road. No sooner got on the road and it started sprinkling, by the end of the 49-mile ride it was full on rain. 65 degrees and wet on today's ride.

BTW I looked up in my journal how this year was going compared to last year

This year by May 14th 118 days ridden 6,021 miles.

Last year by May 14th 119 days ridden and 6,331 miles

Pretty comparable I would say
I manufactured my frunk key. JB weld still drying but I like the look. Silver small knob that sits perfectly inside the spot where the key goes in and somehow the knob is some kind of metal. Found it in my man’s pile of screws and odds and ends. Used one of my Hd109’s and cut/ground down to fit. Painted black to blend in?

Then swapped out my DCT filter that I didn’t have when I changed my oil. You can change it without dropping the oil out. Hardly any leakage.

Then ordered Grip Puppies for my carpal tunnel sleepy hands.


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Went out bopping around the counties north west of Philadelphia for the morning. I kept an eye on the storm front moving in from the west. I headed home when the temperature began to fall and the clouds rolled in. I pretty well ruined the fuel mileage for this tank on the final leg home. Made it with time to spare before it started to rain. 158 miles for the day.
Day 119 ...another RAIN BATH uggg. May has been a particularly wet month for us this year. Over 4" so far. Normal is around 2". Took off in the dry, started sprinkling within a few miles, turned into a full out rain before the end of the ride. 42 miles @ 62 degrees
Day 121...rained most of the day so I didn't get out until 5 pm..but got in a nice 47-mile before dinner ride on mostly dry roads at 68 degrees and overcast

and turned over another mileage milestone on my 21 DCT

Well, not today (all I did was ride today), but last weekend I put 19mm risers on my NC700S. Little changes can be a big deal. At work, I generally try to talk people down from their riser requests; they always seem to think they need at least 2” of rise, maybe some pull back as well. Maybe they do, but I have found that a little goes a long way. 19 mm made a noticeable difference to the amount of weight on my wrists, and made the harsh forks feel much more acceptable, since the harshness no longer goes so directly into my hands. It also gives the NC more of a scrambler feel, with the slightly more upright position. An unexpected side effect is that I’m better positioned to rise up on my legs to absorb bumps, or even to stand, if stretching is required.