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Just dropped my bike 45 mins ago...

The school bus driver just drove off.

...kicking myself with the what-if's.

Damage is not as bad as it could have been. Many scratches to the right side though. Do I call insurance?

There was a similar discussion in this forum about calling/not calling the insurance company after someone went down. Don't recall the outcome (claim or not claim) but my 2 cents is that even if the damages (which you characterize as "Many scratches to the right side....") are above your deductible, unless they are significantly more, you should just pay out of pocket. Allstate advertises accident forgiveness and don't know if that is really true but my suspicion is that, for the most of the companies you'll end up paying as much, if not more, in increased premiums.

Old Can Ride says he puts the first scratch on a new bike before he drives it off the dealer's lot. Personally, I couldn't bring myself to do that. I want my bike to look "pristine" as long as possible so I feel for you now having a new bike with what sounds like somewhat extensive cosmetic damage. Perhaps replace the plastic pieces one or two at a time to ease the pain? There is another thread on this forum about Plasti-Dip so perhaps time to go that way. Probably the most scraped up is the muffler since you went down on the right side. An excuse to add an aftermarket slip on? Or buy OEM from someone who has gone that way?

As for the bus driver, she may not have even been aware of what happened behind - bus full of not necessarily little angels and all. If there was no contact, her first responsibility is to the kids. Don't know what sort of rules bus drivers have to follow but they may have rules about not leaving the bus "unattended" if there are kids on board. As for taking up both lanes, regardless of where the bus is physically stopped they essentially take up both lanes as you're not to pass a stopped school bus.

Regardless, as L.B.S. says, "trying to second guess the actions of another motorist can be iffy at best" and, further, none of us were there. IMHO, unless there is a lot more than "Many scratches to the right side" take this as a very painful lesson and move on. At the end of the day, the most important part is that no one was hurt.
3 things...

1) Glad you're okay. It could have been much, MUCH worse.

2) This is EXACTLY why I have a camera running at all times I'm on the bike. Who knows, you could use it as evidence that the bus driver was in the wrong.

3) If its only scratched and a few minor replacements like a blinker or mirror, like some of the other guys are saying, do not contact your insurance. The amount you will pay in the long run with the deductible and raised premium will greatly out-weigh the cost to fix the bike. Scratches are character...so I've learned.

BONUS) Learn from the mistakes you luckily live through.
It is possible the bus was shading to the left to avoid crossing the center line while making a right turn out of the side street. In my truck I often have no choice but to do stuff like that.
Glad you're not hurt. You coud have hit your head on that big rock. That side street does not look big enough for 2 normal size vehicles with one being a bus no less. School bus laws are very strict around here so people are cautious any time they see one stopped. Had she suddenly turned on her lights and you succeeded in making the pass you would be in trouble. Bus drivers take license numbers and vehicle descriptions to aid police.

i know how it feels to get flustered sometimes when having to make a quick decision on whether to turn or not. I try to plan my moves well ahead and so far it has worked. I'm trying to delay becoming one of the "club" that Old mentioned.
Id say Insurance, IF Damage is equal to, or more than, $2,ooo, and your deductable is $500.. OR... basically, at least a $1500 difference; because, that accident will effect your rate for about 3 years.

I've heard people say this and I've never understood it. If I buy insurance, I intend to use it. To buy it and then not make a claim for fear the rates would rise just makes no sense. I would either not bother with collision coverage at all (which I don't), or buy a very high deductible. To pay more for a low deductible and then not claim it unless the spread was $1500 just makes no sense to me.

Without collision coverage, the most you can loose is the value of the bike before salvage value. That would not likely be a life changing event.

To the OP, sorry this had to happen to you. But in the long run, over the years, it just a little blip in the time line.

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It's one of those things which you can not do anything about.
The only thing is to learn and move on.
Personally, I have not encountered such an incident myself, but then many people (riders) often laughed at me for being "that extra careful" when stopping or slowing down etc.

The bus is "not at fault". There was no collision. The driver may not have even seen you and so it is not a hit-and-run.
(no hits, if I read correctly).

Take it on the chest and move on.
Sorry to read your story though.

Can I ask "How did you get the bike out of the ditch",,I know I would have trouble picking my bike up from the deck... As Happy says ,,,"Take it on the chest,and /or down to experience"
Can I ask "How did you get the bike out of the ditch" I know I would have trouble picking my bike up from the deck..."

I knew immediately that it would be worse if I failed and redropped the bike. I went over to my neighbors and asked for help. It took two of us and some grunting.
I think it varies by local laws but I never use insurance unless absolutely necessary. based on people I have known(mom).they just raise your rate and get their money back .use it as a learning experience. bikes are always cheaper than bodies. b safe
I think it varies by local laws but I never use insurance unless absolutely necessary. based on people I have known(mom).they just raise your rate and get their money back .use it as a learning experience. bikes are always cheaper than bodies. b safe

So it's kinda like you pay them premiums for the privilege of getting an emergency loan when you wreck your bike, and then you pay it back to them over the next few years? I could think of better ways to borrow money if I had to.

Can I ask "How did you get the bike out of the ditch",,I know I would have trouble picking my bike up from the deck... As Happy says ,,,"Take it on the chest,and /or down to experience"

I've dropped my NC 3 times. All while parking or coming to a red light at abput 2 mph...lol
I was able to pick it up very quickly by myself... Adrenaline may have had something to do with it....lol