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My first close call on the NCX


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May 6, 2013
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Cabot, AR
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I'm not new to accidents on motorcyles. Been in three over the years. It is still something you don't wish on anyone nor want to be involved in yourself.

As most of you know I ride to work everyday. I was going about my normal routine and had finished up running some back roads (looking for geocaches) and made my way back to the main Hwy. The main access road to the Hwy is on a curve and just happens to have a fuel station with an outlet to the access road.

The traffic on the access road has the right away. Apparently that isn't the case for gray NCX's. I was doing about 35mph (spped limit is 40mph) on this gentle turn when a nice shinny mustang decides to pull out in front of me. I lock up my brakes and came within a bikes length of her rear bumper. Tying top manuever around a vehicle in a turn at 35mph isn't the easist thing to do when you have curb on one side and shoulder on the other. I immediately looked in the cars rear view mirror and they don't even see me. There eyes are facing down. Not even on the road. The occupant finally looks up in the mirror (maybe 30 second later) and sees me right on their butt.

Once we got on the Hwy I made sure to pull up beside the car. I felt compelled to somehow motion that they need to watch for motorcycles. When I pulled beside the car guess what was in their hands? An iPad Mini. Reading a book? An email maybe? Who knows? The occupant finally looked at me and I vigorously pointed towards my eyes with both fingers motioning "Open Your Eyes". They immediately made an abrupt lane change to catch the exit and left the Hwy.

To top it off. It was a soldier in a car with Fire Fighter plates. Two jobs that stress safety. No offense to anyone in either of those positions. I have high regard for both professions.

I don’t mind people cutting me off on the Hwy in heavy traffic. Used to that. When people pull out and don’t even see you and possibly did not look because they are on a mobile device. That gets me fired up.

Be safe out there. This is the time of year when more and more bikes will be back out on the road. People are not used to us being out there so watch yourself.
Too bad you couldn't get the soldier's license plate number and report it to their base command. Even off base/off duty (soldiers are like police-technically on duty 24 hours-or was the case when I was in the military), military are suppose to drive the best of their capability; the minimum it would have done was get the soldier a good a$$ chewing from his commander.
Happy to hear that your reflexes saved you from a get-off. Sad thing is that the occupant probably didn't even know they cut you off and probably thought you were just being aggressive with your hand gestures. I am trying to train my wife on situation awareness and I always tell her to ride like you're invisible and to expect that everyone is trying to kill you. I hate being so cynical but it's an attitude while riding that has saved my butt countless times over the years. Glad her bike has ABS but it's not a replacement for learning emergency braking skills. Glad you were able to keep it all together.
This tablet and smartphone thing is getting everyone into a mad road driving experience.
Everyone here in Zurich also drives like a ostrich head in the sand....driving whilst looking down.
I actually suggested to a policeman, that I can wear some google glass, and just ride around town and video tape these drivers.
For each ticket (around US$300), I will just take 10%.
I will soon be able to buy 2 NCXs....cash.

I don’t mind people cutting me off on the Hwy in heavy traffic. Used to that. When people pull out and don’t even see you and possibly did not look because they are on a mobile device. That gets me fired up.

Be safe out there. This is the time of year when more and more bikes will be back out on the road. People are not used to us being out there so watch yourself.

"AMEN" to that!!!

I had a similar situation this morning. A woman (probably in her advanced years) put on her turn signal and started coming into my lane without looking, all while I was blowing my PIAA Sport Horn, which is louder than the stock one. I immediately got in front of her and turned around so she could see me and I her. I threw up my arm in a “WTF” gesture without flipping her the bird. All I got back was a “Blank Stare” like she wasn’t in the car or on this planet.

I ride with both my LED Driving Lights and High Beam “ON”, after dawn in the mornings. I was bright as the sun, so that is not an excuse.

Some people have to know when they can no longer drive themselves around. As some point these people become both a “Danger” to the themselves and others around them. There’s my 2¢ worth for the day…
The roads are not safe with cell phones and Ipads now. Glad you have the experience to keep it upright and come out ok. Ride like you are invisible people.
Glad you are OK.

Did you truly "lock up" without going down?

This is why I was not going to buy a new bike without ABS as riders with much more experience than me will sometimes lock up their brakes.

Lets just say the tires made some noise and I was able to keep her straight up.
Happy to hear that your reflexes saved you from a get-off. Sad thing is that the occupant probably didn't even know they cut you off and probably thought you were just being aggressive with your hand gestures. I am trying to train my wife on situation awareness and I always tell her to ride like you're invisible and to expect that everyone is trying to kill you. I hate being so cynical but it's an attitude while riding that has saved my butt countless times over the years. Glad her bike has ABS but it's not a replacement for learning emergency braking skills. Glad you were able to keep it all together.

After my little hand gesture I had the same thought. I wonder if they even know what I'm trying to tell them? I'm always on the lookout. Just didn't see this one coming but you are right. You gotta think that way.
Day Four On A Motorcycle

I took the long way home yesterday on the first spring-like day of the year here in the Hudson Valley. I skipped the I84 exit off of the Taconic and opted instead for windy 301 through Fahnestock State Park, focused on finding the right entry speed for each turn rolling on the throttle. Ice was still on the lakes up in the highlands, but the sun was warm and the roads were dry and clean. I took the right onto 9D north out of Cold Spring to head back to Beacon for a late lunch and some time dog-walking. There is a trailhead just north of the Breakneck Ridge tunnel and people park poorly on both sides of the road. I came through the tunnel at 45mph, ten below the limit of 55, knowing the trailhead area was likely to be crowded with day-trippers. Southbound traffic was spread out but steady. Without looking, a black Lexus pulled out of a parking spot about two car-lengths ahead of me into my lane. With no room to right or left, generous hand-and-foot brake application combined with some downshifting brought me down to 20mph about five feet from the bumper. To the driver's credit, he finally noticed me and I could see the look of horror on his face. He accelerated quickly to ~85 and disappeared around the next turn.
Day Four On A Motorcycle

I took the long way home yesterday on the first spring-like day of the year here in the Hudson Valley. I skipped the I84 exit off of the Taconic and opted instead for windy 301 through Fahnestock State Park, focused on finding the right entry speed for each turn rolling on the throttle. Ice was still on the lakes up in the highlands, but the sun was warm and the roads were dry and clean. I took the right onto 9D north out of Cold Spring to head back to Beacon for a late lunch and some time dog-walking. There is a trailhead just north of the Breakneck Ridge tunnel and people park poorly on both sides of the road. I came through the tunnel at 45mph, ten below the limit of 55, knowing the trailhead area was likely to be crowded with day-trippers. Southbound traffic was spread out but steady. Without looking, a black Lexus pulled out of a parking spot about two car-lengths ahead of me into my lane. With no room to right or left, generous hand-and-foot brake application combined with some downshifting brought me down to 20mph about five feet from the bumper. To the driver's credit, he finally noticed me and I could see the look of horror on his face. He accelerated quickly to ~85 and disappeared around the next turn.

You bring up a good point and something I think about all the time. Sometimes it is good to drive the posted limit and sometimes you need to drive under it. Knowing your surrounding and thinking about the "What Ifs" will save you. That reduction of 10mph could be a portion of what prevented an accident. Somestimes it's better to drive faster too. :)

Glad you were able to react quickly enough to aviod the situation.
Neal Boortz used to say on the radio that you have to ride like every other person on the road is actively trying to kill you. That kind of attitude has saved my skin a few times.
The roads are not safe with cell phones and Ipads now. Glad you have the experience to keep it upright and come out ok. Ride like you are invisible people.

You to also member that a great part of the population will be also be entering into their "Advanced Years of Life" as the earliest part of "Baby Boomers" start to enter into this "Era". Not to be "Disrespectful". I just turned 40 and realized that I will reach that point in my life to in the years to come as well.

There will be more and more people on the road still driving like the woman that I encountered this morning. The alarming fact is that number will increasing and increasing in the following years.
Biggest problem around here is distractions as well. I commute every day, and when you're up high on a bike like the NC (even better, my previous commuter bike was a WR250R) you can see right down into the cabin of most cars. I'd say 65-75% that I look into the driver has a cell phone in their hands, mostly texting/emailing. You can bump that number to 95% when I go around them after they've done something idiotic.

It's actually sad. I can see a car drifting from one side of the lane to the other from 50' away and know that they're texting. Why this isn't being taken more seriously and ticketed, I have no idea.

Glad nothing of consequence came out of it and glad you kept the shiny side up!

Many times on my scooter people would all of a sudden just start to move into my lane, many times I kicked cars in the door to remind people I was there.
Just glad to see you're alright Sarge...It must have been a shocker...:( It's unexpected moments like this which convinces me that I will never ever purchase a non ABS bike ever again.
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A professional truck driver bought the farm two days ago trapped in a vehicle fire in Houston. This guy, a Vietnam Vet, always talked about how dangerous folks were on the roadway with those darn cell phones. Unfortunately, he was just getting back to Houston, texting with his girlfriend to meet him to eat. While texting with his girl friend, he hit the guard rail, trapping him in the truck. He was screaming for help, 4 folks were trying to get to him, but the truck blew up into to a massive fire. The worst way I could think to die, burned alive!


Like me, this poor fellow did not practice what he preached. It can happen at any time to any of us! ATGATT ! Sure made me think twice !!


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A professional truck driver bought the farm two days ago trapped in a vehicle fire in Houston. This guy, a Vietnam Vet, always talked about how dangerous folks were on the roadway with those darn cell phones. Unfortunately, he was just getting back to Houston, texting with his girlfriend to meet him to eat. While texting with his girl friend, he hit the guard rail, trapping him in the truck. He was screaming for help, 4 folks were trying to get to him, but the truck blew up into to a massive fire. The worst way I could think to die, burned alive!

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Like me, this poor fellow did not practice what he preached. It can happen at any time to any of us! ATGATT ! Sure made me think twice !!

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You cannot text while on a motorycle, you "SHOULD'NT" either. I certainly do not nor can I see my phone while riding. I have speakers in my helmet and listen to music while riding. I sometimes set up th GPS on my phone before I leave and listen for the prompts on what to do and where to go. If you cannot see the phone, there's "No Distraction".

Most "Smartphone" have voice dictation now, such as Apple and Android. You would say something like “Send text to Old Can Ride”, “Do not text and drive.”, “Send”. Look mom, "No Hands"!!!