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Need opinions from NC700 owners


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Aug 28, 2014
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I think I've pretty much obsessively researched this but thought the good members of thai forum could offer some input. It is down to the NC700X or the KTM 690 Duke and I need to decide. I know they seem very different but in many ways for my use they have much in common.

One bike in the garage that I can live with for a long time. No more two bikes a year.
75% commuting on SoCal freeways
20% running errand around town
5% recreation riding.
Current bikes:
2008 Kawasaki Concours 14ABS
*Love this bike but drinks alot and her weight shows it. Thought it was going to be used for two up touring but that is not going to happen. A handfull for around town but fantastic on the freeway until the lane splitting starts.
2009 Yamaha WR250X
*Am having soooo much fun on this little guy and am amazed at how versatile it is. I can and do commute on the freeway with it and lane splitting is easy. In the canyons it is a blast but I am certain it is not pushed near its limits as I am in the 'old-not-bold' stage of life. Would not be a good choice for a two or three hour freeway haul for me as the wind and noise and seat would make me tired and sore quickly. Love the MPGs though.
Things I am looking for:
Utility! I ride about 12,000mi annually and carry everything from lunch to my dogs.
Economy. I had a 2003 Honda Insight for ten years and 140,000mi and averaged 70mpg. The hypermiler gene is strong in me. I usually even ride my motorcycles in hypermiler mode.
Versatility. Will commute, light tour and play in the canyons on one bike.
Easy to work on. Worked my way through college as a moto tech so I like to work on my own bikes.
Reliable. Back to the want to keep it a long time and 12,000mi per year.

This was a lot to read so thanks in adavnce.
With your enjoyment of the WRR I think the NC will be a fun bike to ride/own. I can't comment on the DCT, I have had no interest in them. I been riding manuals for over forty years and they are automatic to me.
The NC certainly seems to check all your boxes. I can't comment on the KTM. I do most of my own maintenance, including valve adjustments and my wrenching experience prior to this bike consisted of oil changes on my old truck. 25k miles the first year and can't think of anything other than routine stuff that has needed done - aside from the seat, although that's nearly routine for this bike. Small enough to split lanes easily. The frunk is wonderfully useful for running errands. I would recommend a louder horn, especially given the proximity to LA - these people are scary.
I have the honda nc700 w/dct.
I lane split when at all possible. Sometimes lanes are narrow and I don't want to even try.
I did purchased a LOUDER horn. It does help. The little meep meep horn did not cut it with me.
I think the NC would fit the bill perfectly. I ride a manual, but many on this forum love their DCT's. Great bike either way.
I've got a wr250x and an nc700x. Little Yamaha is great fun for sure.
I don't think you will be disappointed with an nc. Low center of gravity makes it surprisingly more fun and capable on the twisties than you'd expect and as far as commuting and chores go its fantastic. I've found its the bike now I naturally go to for most day to day rides.
I think the NC should fit your needs quite nicely. I have ridden my NC about 12k miles a year so far. Got mine in Aug of '12 and about to hit 24k miles on it. I commute on it daily and lane split with it, I have only my honda top case on when commuting. With sidecases on probably could still do it, but I don't need that much space for day to day stuff. I'm averaging just shy of 62MPG's, but I have Shinko 705 tires on it which are slightly taller, and frankly 60MPG's is good enough for me. It's more than double my cars mileage and for my commute trying to get better mileage means having that Prius or SUV behind me driving up my rear. I don't care for that and don't care about hypermiling on my NC anymore. It's not worth it to me so I ride it with the speed of traffic and/or to avoid traffic. So you could EASILY average 70MPG's on an NC, quite a few guys on here do, I'm just not one of them.

Good luck with your search! Hope this helps in some way.