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Six years ago today

Dennis M

Jul 19, 2013
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Independence, MO.
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The last time Halloween fell on a Saturday was six years ago. I'd been doing some work around the house in the morning and then in the afternoon I decided to go start up the mower and grind up the leaves that had fallen in my yard. My 2 stroke Lawn Boy absolutely refused to start wouldn't even give a me a sputter that it was thinking about it. So I said to myself heck with it, I'm going for a ride.

It was nice sunny day cool but not cold. At the time I had a Moto Guzzi Breve 750 and a Suzuki Burgman 650, Hmmm which to take, the Guzzi won out, I had something I wanted to pick up at Hobby Lobby so went by there first and then just headed out to enjoy my ride.
I was going down a 4 lane road and thinking to myself, not much traffic for a Saturday afternoon, There was just one SUV in front of me nothing in my rear view mirrors and only the occasional vehicle going the other direction.

The SUV in front of me turned on it's right blinker so I moved over to the left lane and was just catching up to it as it started it's turn. And that's when the red car that had been waiting at the stop sign pulled out right in front of me. I hadn't seen it there because the SUV was blocking my view and of course it also blocked the driver of the red car's view of anything (me) that might have been in the left lane.

All I remember is hitting the brakes hard and the next second I'm sliding face first on the pavement and then I must have blacked out because the next thing I knew some one was telling me to lay still an ambulance was on the way. I had been wearing a full face helmet, armored riding jacket, jeans and work boots. Only got a little road rash, mainly on my knees and a little on my wrist where the sleeve of my jacket got pushed up past my gloves'

At the Hospital they asked where does it hurt, right shoulder, had X-rays done nothing was broken, but told me if if doesn't get better in a couple days I should see about having a MRI. Well it didn't get better and turned out I had a torn rotator cuff that would require surgery. I ended up missing 18 weeks of work, my work required a full release, (no light duty) from the Doctor. And yeah the Guzzi was totaled.

Then come spring the grass is growing, I hadn't gone out to the shed to do anything about the mower but figured what the heck let's see what happens. It hadn't been started for 6 months had old gas it it, Started right up on the first pull.

Ride safe out there, Dennis
One of the things I have seen over the years is that a real motorcycle riders will endure hardships rather than bail out. To use a Berra-ism (colloquial expressions that lack logic) "When your hooked, your hooked!"
Glad to hear that you are here with us and able to relate the story! Mine was 8 years ago and it was a deer that took the bike out from under me, 22 days in the hospital and 3 months before I could ride. Now 8 years later, 6 different bikes (trying to find just the right one) and still riding and watching! God is good!