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How about a game of NC tag? Its a lot of fun!

One of the nice things about this game is seeing the wide variety of subjects in the photos. I think many riders may not have the luxury of having a much variety of interesting or unique subjects in their daily commute or near enough to home. If you don't permit the use of 'banked' as you call it photos, then many may need to wait for a weekend ride to play and I'd be afraid you could see less participation and more mundane photos. I'm glad Fuzzy posted his tunnel picture -- seeing something unique like that is a prime reason for watching this thread and participating. I was fortunate to have an easy mid day loop yesterday to do get the Atlas missile and F18 as part of a trip to a business meeting, and just happened to have a matching photo for Chestnut's challenge that was taken nearly a year before the game started -- so no intentional 'banking of photos' on my part, I just happened to have something that matched and made a point of specifying when the old photos were taken. Perhaps a compromise to keep the promise of unique/interesting photos in play might be to say the matching photo for the prior tag must be new but the next subsequent photo could be new OR old? I expect many of us may have great photos from weekend outings or longer cross country rides/vacation trips that would play nicely in this game.
Further, I think it reasonable that the person setting the next tag can use an old photo. The point is to encourage others to ride to find the tag, but upon them doing so we need a new tag of reasonable interest pretty much right away. Allowing use of older photos for the new tag could also aid in diversifying the tags and adding some creativity/challenge.

So, older photos can be used to set the new challenge, but only new photos can be used to meet the challenge?

The use of photos already taken, for a challenge tag picture is perfectly acceptable, for all the great reasons listed. There would be no real downside, I can think of off hand.

I had only wished to voice up about a Quick Draw McGraw scenario, where someone could potentially post a completed tag with a push of a button on their phone or computer, mere minutes after the tag was viewed.

There was no implying on my part, a nefariousness or deliberation of intent; I too would love to see neat, not-so-common pictures spice up the thread! :D
No real mountains in Ohio so i must wait for another.

sent from my nc700x

I think, within reason, the issuer of the challenge picture, or the majority of players, can determine the difference between "letter of the law" and "intent". If simply a "tunnel" picture is requested, and it happens to be one going through a mountain, then by all means, if you can get one going through a mountain, then go for it. But. If you live in Kansas, or Ohio, or are riding in Florida, or somewhere with no tunnels through mountain sides, then an honest interpretation of "tunnel" could be attempted.

This is a tunnel in Florida, for example. It meets the tag rule request for tunnel, unless stipulated otherwise by the original poster, and I'd think no one would complain about:


The Battleship tag would be a tough one for a vast majority of players I think, without a more liberal stretching of the interpretation...
I know It doesn't count - It's my other Honda and both are old photos but here are some track pics:

Turn 1

Turn 4

It's true. You have to be doing about 90 mph to stay up on the banking.
Caught this today on the 2nd Annual NC700X RTE. That is a horse racing practice track near Ocala, FL.

New tag - train car or train caboose:

A string of refrigerator cars parked on s spur track

I already had a picture of my NC in front of a caboose, but since we're supposed to take the picture after the new tag has been posted I got the above picture this morning.

New tag: The road doesn't go there anymore
This was the North end of the MO. Highway 13 bridge over the Missouri River, it was one of those old narrow deck bridges with a cheese grater deck, replaced by a new 4 lane divided bridge a few miles to the east of where this one was.
The south end;

And this is what someone coming across the bridge from the North saw when they got to the South end, You could either go left into Lexington, MO. or to the right towards Wellington, Waterloo, and Napoleon, MO.
Definitely upped the ante with 6 NCs in that pic. Glad we don't have to match that part of the tag pic.
The lighting was wrong .......... there are just three NCs in the picture. The other bikes were having fun with our RTE.

When we were heading home a NC700X turned left in front of me and went into a campground. I honked but it kept going. That made 9 seen in the wild in one day.
Hey, you can't get there from here!

This is the end of the street I live on. The developer of the next subdivision over got the city to block the road and a house was built on it. The fence went up and this is the end of the street now.

New tag - a school or educational institution.

A moment of self reflection... it is a little distorted but the bike and I are just under 'Owned Since'

Since it is October, how about a little a nod to Oktoberfest. Next tag is a picture with a beer maiden wearing a dirndl?


I am hopeful that won't be too difficult for our friends in Germany or Austria, and probably not too hard for folks in the states with Halloween around the corner.

I'm even more hopeful that turbodieseli4i6 has a photo of the blond girl from his avatar posing with his NC700! :)
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A moment of self reflection... it is a little distorted but the bike and I are just under 'Owned Since'
View attachment 9642

Since it is October, how about a little a nod to Oktoberfest. Next tag is a picture with a beer maiden wearing a dirndl?

View attachment 9643

I am hopeful that won't be too difficult for our friends in Germany or Austria, and probably not too hard for folks in the states with Halloween around the corner.

I'm even more hopeful that turbodieseli4i6 has a photo of the blond girl from his avatar posing with his NC700! :)

You're not the only one!