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Wabdr..2014 ????

So here are some things we talked about at breakfast today.
Everybody is on board for camping.We are going to try and find a campground every night but if we need to we will camp on the trail.
We all agreed to try to do a minimum of 100 miles a day ,shouldn't be a problem.
We all thought that eating lunch in a small town everyday and also get stuff for dinner at camp was a good idea.
As of now we have. 7 people going for the whole trip and 1-2 joining for a day or 2...
Looks like ..
1..Triumph 800.

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Sounds good to me. Remember we will not have 2 trial vehicles like those fancy folks had in the videos on you tube. We are all carrying our own stuff, so we will be in a heavy load configuration. For some reason it just bothers me to wear a hydration pack, but even I will wear mine for this trip. You know you will most likely all go down at least one time on the trip, just part of the game. Carry a first aid kit! We have to keep it slow, so I do not have a life flight and wrecker bill. Just as long as we have enough folks to help pick up me and my bike, we are in good shape.
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Everybody that is going that I know is around 50+ years old and are just wanting a good time.
Here are the things I will be carrying .
2 tubes. ( 21&18")
Basic first aid kit
Clutch and throttle cables
Zip ties
Rescue tape
Assorted nuts and bolts
Compact tow strap
Spare air filter
Lighter and fire starter
1.5 gallon extra fuel
Air pump
Patch kit
Chain lube
Camel back
Extra water
Head lamp. & flash light
Spark plug
Fuel filter
Rubber gloves
Air mattress
Sleeping bag
Camp chair
Small stove and cook kit

I hope everything fits in my panniers except the tent , chair and sleeping bag.

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The best I can tell it lt looks like we will each need a Washington Discovery pass ( $30 ) and a Northwest Forest
Pass ($30).
The NW forest pass is available at 3 different stores in Stevenson.The Disco pass is available at sporting goods stores OR online at www.discoverypass.wa.gov

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I know nothing about the Washington Discovery pass, but the northwest forest pass is also covered by your Interagency Pass (National Park pass) - if you're over 62 a lifetime pass that covers the federal lands is $10, though you need to stop by a ranger station or the like to get a new sticker for your bike each year. Also passes are issued free to active duty military.
Here are the things I will be carrying .
2 tubes. ( 21&18")
Basic first aid kit
Clutch and throttle cables
Zip ties
Rescue tape
Assorted nuts and bolts
Compact tow strap
Spare air filter
Lighter and fire starter
1.5 gallon extra fuel
Air pump
Patch kit
Chain lube
Camel back
Extra water
Head lamp. & flash light
Spark plug
Fuel filter
Rubber gloves
Air mattress
Sleeping bag
Camp chair
Small stove and cook kit

I hope everything fits in my panniers except the tent , chair and sleeping bag.

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I'll be bringing a water purifier so we can filter water from streams/springs/rivers along the way. Also, should we all bring extra cables, plugs, and filters? I'm putting together a list of extra items to bring along for the "just in case". I'm heading up to climb Mt. Adams this weekend so I should have a pretty good idea on where the snow level is at for the first section. It always amazes me how it seems like you have a lot of time to get ready then all the sudden you realize you have a ton of things to do and no time to do it in! Looking forward to the shake down ride to the rally in a week and a half.

3 days ago the snow was blocking the first section between Stevenson and Packwood.There is a great thread on ADVrider in the PNWet section called WABDR .There are people on the route right now reporting back everyday.
The NC riders should talk to each other about what spares to bring,maybe everybody could bring one thing and you could all be covered ??.

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I'll be bringing a water purifier so we can filter water from streams/springs/rivers along the way. Also, should we all bring extra cables, plugs, and filters? I'm putting together a list of extra items to bring along for the "just in case". I'm heading up to climb Mt. Adams this weekend so I should have a pretty good idea on where the snow level is at for the first section. It always amazes me how it seems like you have a lot of time to get ready then all the sudden you realize you have a ton of things to do and no time to do it in! Looking forward to the shake down ride to the rally in a week and a half.


I PMed you my cell# ,so we can find each other at the rally .

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No it seems that if we don't stop we don't need a Disco pass and if we don't camp in ready sites. ( other than real campgrounds.) we don't need a USFS pass. ????.
I already have a a Disco pass so I will bring it but I'm waiting until I talk to the Touratech guys next week about this before I by any other passes .

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I know nothing about the Washington Discovery pass, but the northwest forest pass is also covered by your Interagency Pass (National Park pass) - if you're over 62 a lifetime pass that covers the federal lands is $10, though you need to stop by a ranger station or the like to get a new sticker for your bike each year. Also passes are issued free to active duty military.

Like Chestnut, I know nothing about the Washington State requirements. In Texas to ride on any Federal or State property you have to have two passes.

1. Federal Interagency Pass (National Park pass) $80 normal annual fee, $10 if over 62, and free to military or disabled.

2. Texas Off Highway Vehicle Decal. From September 1st to August 31st each year - $16.00

Fine is from $125 to $500 depending on Judge.

Also, motorcycles have to pay a trailhead (gate) fee of $5 per day or one time fee of $25 per year at the Sam Houston National Forest, but every National Forest has different rules. Sam Houston National Forest has about 125 miles of motorcycle trails.
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Old Can Ride;98271 Fine is from $125 to $500 depending on Judge.[/QUOTE said:
Isn't that something! I know a retired Fed Judge and thier judgments can come from how their wife treated them this morning, to how you're dressed and if you say yessir or nossir.
Nothing has changed in all of "civilization" history.
Touratech put this route together in cooperation with the state of Washington.Next weekend I will be at there rally so I will get the right answer ( I hope. )...

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Ok so here is the plan.
We can meet at the Walking Man Brew Pub in Stevenson Saturday night at around 7 pm.??

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