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What do you do to be more "visible"?

Any news update on what's really happening? my initial guess is its 100% totally the trooper mistake not paying attention to the traffic. its just unfortunate for the motorcyclist to get into accident, not about visibility. however, this accident reminds me to glance more often to the mirror and ready to change lane if necessary.

as many riders mentioned here, ride in traffic as if you are invisible.
I had a close call just like this the other day. Driving through town and came up on a 3-Way stop. It is a road that is the only way into a specific part of town. Anyone who lives in that area is very aware of this stop. It is located right next to the community pond. I was coming up on the stop like I do everyday and proceeded to slow down. Next thing I know I hear loud screeching brakes. I looked in my mirror to see a Ford Ranger sliding towards me. I immediately hit the throttle and took off. I think he may have been able to stop in time but wasn't sitting still to find out. I did pull over to give the guy the "what's up" hand and arm signals when he drove by. He was probably texting.
I had a close call just like this the other day. Driving through town and came up on a 3-Way stop. It is a road that is the only way into a specific part of town. Anyone who lives in that area is very aware of this stop. It is located right next to the community pond. I was coming up on the stop like I do everyday and proceeded to slow down. Next thing I know I hear loud screeching brakes. I looked in my mirror to see a Ford Ranger sliding towards me. I immediately hit the throttle and took off. I think he may have been able to stop in time but wasn't sitting still to find out. I did pull over to give the guy the "what's up" hand and arm signals when he drove by. He was probably texting.

And the Hawaiian good luck sign? :cool:
That trooper's driving looked very sleepy to me. Or something. I'm so glad those two weren't killed! Now if only the incident will be handled exactly as it would be if no one involved was police.
I am curious why the officer got out and looked at the front of his car immediately? Was he looking to see if someone was under there or was he looking to see if his car was damaged? If he was looking at the damage that would be the last thing on my mind. What about the casualties?
I often look at my mirrors, but you can't look at them all the time.
Having a safety vest on really helps, It really stands out at night.
Since I ride before sun up, its a major thing with me.

If no police were involved in the accident, the cager would get a ticket for careless driving or something similar. Most courts view riding a motorcycle as some sort of crime in itself, so if you get killed, well, *shrug*.
Taking off and changing lane are easily done with torquey pull of NC. Gotta love her plenty, man. :cool:

Dunno bout you guys, but i'm against drunk and sleepy drivers. They are having a powerful killer in their hands without proper awareness.

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I don't usually dress for visibility, Remember reading a study many years ago that basically said you could be dressed like Tron, but if someone isn't looking, they aren't gonna see you.
A large part of the problem is drivers who have never ridden (most of them) can't judge how much room we need, and can't judge closing speeds often due to the single headlight not giving them enough point of reference.

So I use driving lights, and go for a wider spread as I can.
This has another advantage, (apart from great visibility at night) I hope it catches the eye of the non-looking driver.

And from behind.
Brake and Ref.jpg
The main brake light has a 'Back off' modulator.
The top box has brake lights,
The panniers have running/brake/turn signals.
I added Solas tape to all the 'fake' reflectors on the bags, and to the lights in the panniers.

As for the couple who got hit, I'm glad they are OK, but her face is prime example of why you should wear full face.
I'm prepared to bet the trooper was looking at his computer, and not where he was going.

P.S. I apologise for the crappy quality of the pics, iPhone in a darkish parkade, and also that's not me on the bike.
I put red reflective tape on the top box at the angles that and looks natural at those angles. About where your box say's Givi I put white tape and it really stand out at night. Thanks for the tip on the angles of the reflectors.
Wait for Xmas guys,....I am putting on the lights then..

are you going to ride around without lights on till xmas. ya silly moo.
do you have these in your kit??;)
I was riding a few days ago, and came across a middle-aged couple riding. He was in the right hand lane, almost touching the curb (lane domination anyone) on his big fat bagger hog (No idea what model etc as I have zero interest in HDs). She was in the left lane, almost touching the median (again lane domination!!), she also 10 bike lengths ahead, I only knew they were together a few kms down the road when he called her over, and they rode together and pulled off the main highway

Anyway... my point, apart from their terrible riding practices, his idea of conspicuity was open pipes and a headlight modulator.
When I was behind them the noise was terrible, and when I was ahead of them, the flashing in my mirrors all the time made me want to punch him in the face.

Yes it got my attention, but as a rider that was guaranteed anyway, but the annoyance factor was huge, I can't help feeling that this just annoys other drivers on the road, and does nothing to help the rep of us riders.
Anyway... my point, apart from their terrible riding practices, his idea of conspicuity was open pipes and a headlight modulator.
When I was behind them the noise was terrible, and when I was ahead of them, the flashing in my mirrors all the time made me want to punch him in the face.

Yes it got my attention, but as a rider that was guaranteed anyway, but the annoyance factor was huge, I can't help feeling that this just annoys other drivers on the road, and does nothing to help the rep of us riders.

Never thought of it that way but I can see your point. I not so worried about the front of my bike as I am the rear. The front has the headlight, the turn signal indeicators and two additional PIAA lights mounted onthe light bar. I'm pretty lit up to the front. Those light are bright too. The light on the back of the bike aren't so bright. The tail light and turn indicator lights are visible but just not the same as the front. Almost got rearended Friday.

I'm seriously considering buying this.
Never thought of it that way but I can see your point. I not so worried about the front of my bike as I am the rear. The front has the headlight, the turn signal indeicators and two additional PIAA lights mounted onthe light bar. I'm pretty lit up to the front. Those light are bright too. The light on the back of the bike aren't so bright. The tail light and turn indicator lights are visible but just not the same as the front. Almost got rearended Friday.

I'm seriously considering buying this.

I agree, the back is the problem, hence my light/reflector set up.
Brake and Ref.jpg

I have one of these installed on the main brake light.
I can testify to the effectiveness, just touching the brake level gets the tailgaters to back off.