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2013: What did you do WITH your NC700 today?

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Had one problem, the bolts holding on my Honda rear carrier from the rear mounts vibrated off... 2 of them fell off somewhere during the ride. I torqued them down properly so I guess loctite is a necessary additive.

I had the same problem with the OEM carrier about a month after I bought my bike. Lost three of them. When the new set was installed Loctite was applied. Four months later and no issues.
Where did you order the new set from, please and thank you?

I went directly to the dealer. They had them within 5 days of me calling. Don't ask me the price because I bought the bike with the panniers. I called and complained that they fell out and was supplied the hardware. Wish I had more info.
Took another 1500 km-s in 3 days to Trieste ( Italy ), Bled ( SLO ) and back home.
Worth every penny, beautifull weather, sunshine, mountain roads. One of my best rides ever!


more photos here
, if someone is interested
Took another 1500 km-s in 3 days to Trieste ( Italy ), Bled ( SLO ) and back home.
Worth every penny, beautifull weather, sunshine, mountain roads. One of my best rides ever!

more photos here
, if someone is interested

Enjoyed the photos. I lived in Vicenza Italy for 4 years and this brings back memories. I made sure to tour a majority or Europe while I there.

NiX made her first shopping trip this morning on the way home from work! Three bags of groceries and my iPad fit just nicely with room to spare
Had my first ride around town doing errands and a bit of NC700 Tag. It was a blast to grab 7 books and an iPad out of the frunk at the library. Next stop was to drop off the dry cleaning in the frunk under the books. In 5 days or so, I'll use the other Honda (Fit) to pick up the dry cleaning. Love this bike. Loved the Italy pictures, that has to be on my bucket list!!
Went for a nice ride with 3 friends I used to ride and race dirt bikes with back in the late 60s and through the 70s. We all are older and stiffer than years ago, but it was great to ride through the country side together. Lasting friendships like this are precious and not something to take for granted. It was just as much fun today as it was back in the old days. Can't wait to do it again with fall colors coming on in Ohio.
sounds great,i am going to mochian park next month when the leaves start to change,always a good ride there also
Since I am 1400 miles away from home I ordered some parts to install once I get back. Givi top box mount, FZ1, Fuzeblock, foam grips, and LED driving lights. Next up is a windshield, skidplate, and Globescout panniers. Why is it that every bike I buy starts out with the best of intentions but then I farkle the bajeezus out of it. Once it gets icy and snowy in Missouri I will probably do all the suspension work. Hopefully I won't have more than the price of a new ncx invested in farkles. At least I'm not trying to get any more power out of the motor on this one, that is where some big money comes in on other bikes.

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EQUAL is a decent target. :)

That's probably not hard to achieve for anyone who bought a standard without many/any options. Several riders have added storage, seat, windscreens, radiator guards, handguards, exhaust, horn, crash bars, foot pegs, heated grips, 12V sockets, illuminous tape, headlight & tailight modulators, extra fuel storage, and video.

I was really just naming the things I have or plan to have but you get the idea. I'm sure I left out a few. It adds up fast.
While gearing up today I noticed that NiX got her first scratch... I wasn't upset, I just thought of what OCR says - now there isn't another one in the world like it.

Took a nice drive on a country road out to a state park - nice and smooth new road with little traffic and gentle curves. Stopped at the park entrance to stretch and hydrate, then made the return trip.

Kept my eyes open for a country cemetery to join in the game of tag, but no luck this time.

After nine months back in a cage, it was nice to get out in the wind for more than a to and from work. Nice weather today (for Louisiana, anyway), plenty of other riders were out. I realized how much I missed "the wave!"
Anyway, no regrets on this purchase. I'll have to make my way up to some scenic rides up in Arkansas one of these weekends. Safe rides, everyone!
Put in ~300 mi to have lunch with my dad, a buddy, and a few dozen other folks from a Texas message board in Tomball, TX. Was running early for once, so I stopped and took some quick pics of the neat murals in Giddings, TX.

Untitled by treybrad, on Flickr

Untitled by treybrad, on Flickr

Was a great day of dodging the thunderstorms that were popping up across the state -- we sure need the rain!

I went on a 110 mile dam ride.78 degrees and sunny all day.i was feeling like superman so I walked the stairs to the top of the dam,the feeling was gone when I got to the top.the dam was low.took a pic of the water at the bottom.later I found some guys flying model airplanes,they are kewl to watch and they spend as much money as we do on are nc mods.found a feather friend at a boat ramp.on the way home I took a wrong turn and found a kewl twisty road,i will re-visit this road soon.stoped at a mcdonalds and for some reason it was free coffee week,what a nice score to get refreshed.it was a great day to be out riding.oh sorry about the blur phone camera pics.9989561966_bba95626bd.jpg
Untitled by ziggie24, on Flickr9989504825_dce64de15f.jpg
Untitled by ziggie24, on Flickr9989501695_6fe3cb7f45.jpg
Untitled by ziggie24, on Flickr9989622203_e0cf256f35.jpg
Untitled by ziggie24, on Flickr9989523684_5ea2472cd2.jpg
Untitled by ziggie24, on Flickr
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