• A few people have been scammed on the site, Only use paypal to pay for items for sale by other members. If they will not use paypal, its likely a scam NEVER SEND E-TRANSFERS OF ANY KIND.

Calendars on the way!!!!!!!!

I ordered them as a group so I could get a discount price and since I was doing it at cost I didn't order any extra. I guess I should have but I had no idea of how may extra would be needed and not leave me holding a bunch.
Mine arrived this morning . I think Cutter has done an excellt job. Considering that the subject of each month is a NC I found the wide range of different types of shots excellent. I like them all but I have to admit my favourite is February's as it is a location that I have shots of several of my bikes.
Thanks!! again Cutter
OK so I screwed up Happy Joe, I'm very sorry. The photo of your bike was what was supposed to be there but it got inadvertently mixed up in the mad rush to get it all done. Somehow during the time when I was trying t get all the photos in to the same format and at the same approximate resolution, then to the printer, back from the printer in a half dozen black and white contrast copies and a half dozen color copies for me to check and see which one I thought looked the best, while trying to teach myself how to set up a website that could take orders internationally and set up a paypal account (none of which I had done before), along with trying to figure out all the cost so I wouldn't end up taking too much of a bath if I figured it wrong. (like I did on the shipping costs, the post office weighed it all at 6 oz not 4 as they first said) All in a ridiculously compressed timeline....I got the two photos mixed up, I apologize. I was trying to get it all correct and as best as I could, I was trying to make it a gift to the membership of my time because I thought it was a great idea and wanted to see it happen, not just get discussed. Again I apologize for the mistake and for any others that I may have made after everyone gets theirs and looks them over. As for next year if anyone wants to do one, I vote we find a better way to get it done than just waiting for someone to try and make it happen at the last minute, its way too crazy and trying to please everyone is way too much of a task. There needs to be a set of standards for photo submissions so the next person trying this will not have quite the battle on their hands, forms and such. I'm sure one of the members has got to be a person who does forms and knows how to set this stuff up in the forum. As for this year again Joe I'm sorry.

PS: I got to admit I was kind of amazed that a calendar made it overseas in that short of a time. The US postal service may have got me on the postage but I am pleased with the job they did moving them out so they would arrive as quick as they did. If anyone has had any other problems please let me know............C.J.

Hey Cutter
No harm done. Really.
I am still happy about this. The calendar and your gift is still highly appreciated!

Happy New Year!
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Got mine too. I'm very happy with it. It is hanging on a kitchen wall, recording a couple bills I paid this year already.
A calendar is my sophisticated method of record keeping when I pay a bill.

I was glad to see that the photo from Tony Covello made it into the calendar. That one is my favorite, for sure.

What is that goose thinking? "Hmmm...I wonder if he left the key in the ignition......":D
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