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Completed an IBA Bun Burner 1500 this weekend


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Jul 16, 2012
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This is the second Iron Butt Association sanctioned long distance ride I've done on my NC700X. A BB1500 is 1500 miles in 36 hours or less. I rode a little over 1,000 miles on Saturday 3/15/14 from 3:52 AM to 9:15 PM then came home to a late dinner with the wife. Hit the bed for 5 hours then got up early to ride 534 miles today from 5:13 AM to 2:20 PM. Total mileage is unofficially 1576 miles in 34 hours 28 minutes. Doing 1000+ in less than 24 hours qualified this as my second SaddleSore 1000 on the NC and first BB1500. I've done a couple 1000+ mile rides on my ST1300 but never a 1500. I mention this because the ST1300 does have a reputation as an excellent mount for laying down miles but the NC in good weather is actually more comfortable for me to ride all day (and night). The relationship of bars/pegs/seat are very comfortable and allow moving around a lot to change seating positions. I had great weather if a little cool yesterday morning and saw a 47 degree F temperature change yesterday from pre-dawn 30's in northern FL to an 86 F afternoon in Miami. I planned my routes to stay within the state of FL making it an all in-state ride as well. I did see a tiny amount of rain today but otherwise the weather window held up. For me the stock seat is fine but I did pack a sheep skin seat cover and used it after 850 miles - boy it felt good! I won't say it saved the ride but it helped me find my second wind the last leg of 150 miles. I didn't need it today for the last 500+ but I took it with me.

I was looking at the gas and meal receipts this evening as I prepared the documentation to submit the ride to the IBA and noted something I had already thought was true and discussed here in this forum. The NC700X mileage is sensitive to temperature and to headwinds. I averaged just under 61 US mpg running 70 to 80 mph over the entire ride but in the cold temps mileage dropped about 5 mpg into the 50's and when the temps warmed above the 60s my mileage rose into the low 60's. When headwinds are significant mileage dropped as well. I surmise the aerodynamic drag due to an increase in airspeed (actual speed over ground + headwind = airspeed) goes up enough to impact mileage. In calm air the bike turned 65 mpg and in headwinds of 10-12 knots mileage fell about 10 mpg running roughly the same speed over ground. Still, to get 60.6 mpg running highway speeds is great economy. I traveled with just the Givi top box and left the panniers at home.
Congratulations! The farthest I ever did on my ST1300 in one day is about 500 miles...I'm not that tough!
That is impressive. Can you tell me a little more about the route? Was it I-95 the whole time? It is about 700 miles from Jacksonville to Miami and back that way. Or did you take 75 to 10 on the way back to get the extra miles?
Awesome. Just awesome!

Honda must have used your measurements for the stock seat. Fits you well.
Congratulations and Well Done! Great ride! you did 70-80? I'm especially amazed at how much sleep time you got between 1K and 1500.
That is impressive. Can you tell me a little more about the route? Was it I-95 the whole time? It is about 700 miles from Jacksonville to Miami and back that way. Or did you take 75 to 10 on the way back to get the extra miles?
I live in Jacksonville. I rode out to Tallahassee on I-10 then backtracked on 10 to I-75 which I took all the way to Miami (really Ft. Lauderdale I guess, I got gas on Marina Mile SR 84) via Tampa, 275 over the Skyway Bridge, Naples then Alligator Alley. From Miami I took 95 north to home. That was unofficially 1042 miles. Day 2 I had route 1 and a back up route 2. Route 1 was Jacksonville south to the BeeLine 528 then west on 528 to I-4 then to Tampa and north on 75 to 10 then east on 10 to home. That was about 550 miles but seeing the heavy northbound traffic on both 75 and 95 Saturday spooked me. Plus I knew tons of pick up trucks pulling Harley Davidsons on trailers would be northbound on 95 from Daytona as today was the end of Bike Week. I decided on route #2 to just ride 10 out from Jacksonville to Bonifay, FL for breakfast then ride home. I had a two hour cushion of time leaving Bonifay so instead of riding 10 eastbound I took US 90 from Bonifay to Tallahassee. I even had time to explore a new road off of 90.
Congratulations and Well Done! Great ride! you did 70-80? I'm especially amazed at how much sleep time you got between 1K and 1500.
I paid close attention to stopped time and average overall speed on my GPS. I knew the first 1000+ was covered at 59.9 mph total average time including stops. Today I knew I had to ride at least 458 miles and at 55 mph average that would take about 8 hours 20 minutes including average stop time. Then I budgeted backwards from the end time of 3:52 PM nine full hours. That meant I needed to leave the house at 6:52 AM. I left a little after 5 AM knowing I had almost two hours cushion. I have a friend that does lots of long distance riding, rallies, two Iron Butt rallies. I learned a lot from him but it's mostly "sitting here and twisting that". Anytime I was not doing those two things the clock continues to eat up time. It's amazing a gas stop and pee break alone will take 10-12 minutes and make the average overall speed drop from 62 or 63 mph to 57. I only stopped to do both at one time and once a day to eat a sit-down lunch or breakfast that took 20 to 30 minutes. I packed a couple water bottles and graham crackers that I could eat while riding and stood on the pegs now and then to stretch different muscles. During a SS1000 or BB1500 very hour sitting there and twisting that puts 20 minutes in the stop and rest account. It adds up. I don't think I could have done it safely without a good sleep time.
how far apart were your gas stops? 180 miles?

My own saddle sore 1K took from 02:00 hrs to 23:00 hrs. (math just clicked for me)....

the first day took all day, the second day was half as far, so it opened up sleep time... I get it now.
(Math and I have been life long enemies.)
Congratulations Duelin! I've done two 1000's, and I think I will try the 50cc this summer. Not sure I can do it, but if not, I can get off where I am and enjoy a scenic ride back.
how far apart were your gas stops? 180 miles?

My own saddle sore 1K took from 02:00 hrs to 23:00 hrs. (math just clicked for me)....

the first day took all day, the second day was half as far, so it opened up sleep time... I get it now.
(Math and I have been life long enemies.)

Math aside I give you great props for the expansion of your comfort zones that you have shared with us. Riding your own SS1000, maintenance, etc.

Gas stops......riding a loop-type route requires getting a receipt at each of the "corners" so some of the gas legs were rather short just because I had to stop to get a receipt. Without this constraint the longest leg was 198 miles and I still just put in 3.00 gallons. (that leg turned in 65 mpg).

I think on any future LD ride I am going to tape over the gas gauge so I can't see it. For planning I used 55 mpg as the least I would get so that is 192 miles using 3.5 gallons with .02 reserve BUT when that red bar starts blinking at 165 or so it is hard not to look at it and believe that there is about 1 full gallon or 55-65 more miles in the tank. At 61 mpg 3.5 gallons is 214 miles. I usually stop within 20 miles of seeing the red bar and still have .7 to 1.0 gallon remaining when I fill up.
Congratulations Duelin! I've done two 1000's, and I think I will try the 50cc this summer. Not sure I can do it, but if not, I can get off where I am and enjoy a scenic ride back.
I say go and do it. Amazingly only one motorcycle passed me in 1576 miles and I passed only 3 or 4 going my way. There were many going the other way. The one that passed me was running 85 and he stopped to put on rain gear at the gas station I also stopped at for a corner receipt. When I spoke to him I learned was riding a 100CCC and had left Jacksonville headed for San Diego a little after I had left Jax. I don't know if I could do that but hats off to those that do!
A great feature on my Piaggio is that when the reserve light comes on it starts a third trip meter showing how many miles you have ridden since it came on. Helps a lot with how much of that last gallon is really left and my short memory as to when it came on. I have had more than a 40 mile swing on my NC for when it comes on due to different riding conditioins.
A great feature on my Piaggio is that when the reserve light comes on it starts a third trip meter showing how many miles you have ridden since it came on. Helps a lot with how much of that last gallon is really left and my short memory as to when it came on. I have had more than a 40 mile swing on my NC for when it comes on due to different riding conditioins.
That is a great feature. I use the B trip meter to track tank mileage and sometimes when the bar starts blinking I reset it to zero to do as you say and track the miles since blinking.
I am going to a bike meet/rally around 'the dragon' the last weekend in May and then riding on down to Florida for a few days. I am thinking about making the trip to Florida an IB1000. I have done dozens of 800 mile days in 13 hours (my driveway in Indiana to my driveway in Florida). I have the route planned out; leave Andrews NC, go up thru the Dragon to Knoxville, Knoxville, to Nashville, Nashville-take I-65 all the way down to I-10, I-10 over to I-75, I-75 down to Gainesville and over to Williston on Archer Road. Not 100% sure if I am going to do it. Depends on my mood when I wake up that Sunday and if I am in a hurry to get to Florida-also will depend on the weather.
In the past, I have taken my time and used non-interstate roads and did the same 800 mile trip in 17.5 hours, so I know I can do 17-18 hours on the Interstate and put down some miles. I have never been on I-10 from I-65 to Tallahasee, or I-65 from Montgomery to Mobile-anything I need to worry about in this area?
Good job! I rode kind of big this weekend - 1001 miles to the San Francisco and back. 510 miles Friday, 491 yesterday, mostly on twisty deserted central CA backroads. Completely removed the chicken strips. 21 hours on the stock seat, it wasn't bad.
When headwinds are significant mileage dropped as well. I surmise the aerodynamic drag due to an increase in airspeed (actual speed over ground + headwind = airspeed) goes up enough to impact mileage. In calm air the bike turned 65 mpg and in headwinds of 10-12 knots mileage fell about 10 mpg running roughly the same speed over ground.

Wind is a major factor in mpg.

Drag from wind is proportional to square of speed. If a 10 mph head wind is added to 70 mph ground speed then the drag increases 30%. If it went from a 10 mph tail wind to a 10 mph head wind the drag increased over 75%.
Wind is a major factor in mpg.

Drag from wind is proportional to square of speed. If a 10 mph head wind is added to 70 mph ground speed then the drag increases 30%. If it went from a 10 mph tail wind to a 10 mph head wind the drag increased over 75%.
Thanks Rick...well and simply put. I didn't elaborate on temperature effects but I think in cooler air the engine management system richens the mixture to account for the cooler denser air. During cool temperatures this or winter blend gasoline accounts for the drop in mpg.
Thanks Rick...well and simply put. I didn't elaborate on temperature effects but I think in cooler air the engine management system richens the mixture to account for the cooler denser air. During cool temperatures this or winter blend gasoline accounts for the drop in mpg.
In addition to whatever happens to the engine, cooler air is denser and thus more wind resistance. Planes need longer runways to take off in the summer because of this. I used to hitch rides on a company jet to small airports and some they used in winter could not be used in summer because of runway length.