• A few people have been scammed on the site, Only use paypal to pay for items for sale by other members. If they will not use paypal, its likely a scam NEVER SEND E-TRANSFERS OF ANY KIND.

How about a game of NC tag? Its a lot of fun!

Must have still been thinking about the white plastic mounted to L.B.S.'s rear mount. Is that a white plastic cutting board? Looks like a great idea!

lol, yup, it's an Ikea cutting board...:eek:

I also wasn't really sure if our Canadian Football League counted towards OCR's request; was wondering if it was only NFL stadiums that counted.
OCR said professional football which the definition of professional and football differs from country to country so I believe you are free to interpret accordingly.
That has been an interesting one. How about the Town of Parker, Colorado's Armed Services Ring of Flags.IMG_0085.jpgIMG_0087.jpg And the next challenge is a windmill.
OK, here's a wind "mill" even though it's not driving a mill:
View attachment 8653

And the next tag is: An NC700 in a cemetery.
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I often stop here to say thank you. Least we forget.

Since I was out riding found more with Google Maps.
Very interesting and found new back roads. Fishing Creek Cemetery from 1890.

Since every time I get on my NC I feel like a kid at Christmas new tag is Christmas tree(s). :)
Christmas trees


new tag- Beach


This beach is at Tawas Point State Park. For all the lighthouse fans here is the Tawas Point Lighthouse. I couldn't get my NC in this picture without breaking some rules. This was a 240 mile round trip ride last Sat. Got 74 mpg and passed a lot of cars and trucks hauling boats.



Having scrolled through I couldn't find a definitive answer but as the pics seem to be NCs I assume all other bikes were banned.
Is there a law against model prejudice I wonder? :)

I took this idea from a scooter forum. It made for some interesting pics, and challenged
riders to find new roads to travel on.

Here's how it works: I will post a pic of my NC in front of/next to an object, landmark, building, etc.. Use
your imagination! Its usually something somewhat unique, but not so rare that it is impossible to find elsewhere. Whoever is "IT"
gives a brief description along with their pic. For example, in my case: "In front of a larger-than-life animal statue."

The challenge for the next person, is to post a pic of their NC next to/in front of a similar object fitting the
description, and in the same reply, choose something new for the next person to match and post their pic and
description. And so on, and so on,......

Here we go!

In front of a larger-than-life animal statue.

In the first post. Don't see a banned warning, just a post your NC.
Having scrolled through I couldn't find a definitive answer but as the pics seem to be NCs I assume all other bikes were banned.
Is there a law against model prejudice I wonder? :)

Maybe we can "Grandfather Clause" in some of our long time members and friends who have contributed to the NC Forum, and like it enough to stay, even if they have moved on to another type of bike. I'd hate to see an "us versus them" attitude alienate some really nice folks.

I will be happy if we can all just go out, have fun riding, and take neat pictures to share. :)

Since quite a few posters in this thread have never played anyway, I would rather see any bike instead of days going by with no one bothering to join in...