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2014: What did you do WITH your NC700 today?

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Looks great, John :cool:

Are the stickers slightly retro reflective? They almost have a glow to them, looks cool. Like the blue levers.

Can you gently apply heat from a hairdryer or heat gun to the offending bubble and work them out with a squeegee or spatula maybe?

What farkles did you take way?

I've done all that heat stuff ,got most of it out.
you'll only see them if you search for them.
over all I'm happy with them.
the stickers are none reflective but the tank pad has(carbon look).
I remove the original tank pad as I wasn't happy with it.
this is the only picture that I have of it.
Went for a 2180 mile ride up the California coast.........................
The NC ran flawlessly...............

Nice pictures. The last one looks very familiar!

(Taken Sept. 2007 from my ST1300)
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Road 435 miles towards the Outer Banks of North Carolina,stopping for the night in Jacksonville. I will catch the 10:30 Ocracoke ferry in the morning and spend the rest of Thursday / Friday exploring before heading to my son's house in Virginia Beach for the weekend.
Gave her a break letting her be the passenger for a change. 3.5 hours total on two N. C. Ferries between Cedar Island and Ocracoke then Ocracoke to Cape Hatteras.


Little extra room to rear as car couldn't get around truck.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I hit 3000 mile mark on my commute home from work. I would've never thought I could ride 3000 miles from the beginning of November to April. Our weather on the east side of Oregon has definitely changed, the mornings are still cool, but the afternoons are perfect for the ride home from work.

Just got back from an hours lunch break ride. It's to nice out to be sitting in an office.
hours (plural) lunch break…….must be management :rolleyes:

Actually my first line supervisor is based out of Decatur Illinois. I don't report to anyone at this plant in Arkansas. Plus my supervisor is a rider. Two things in my favor.
It takes practice to work clutch and throttle while eating a sandwich. ;)

I guess if your not proficient with the clutch & throttle while eating is why the DCT is so popular with you guys? So you can keep your energy up on long rides without stopping for food & drink?
Maybe I'll have to trade my "manual tranny" in for the DCT and give it a try.
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